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    Post: Security Deposit

    Posted by Jackellyn on 6/11/08

    Hi I was wondering if someone could help me out with my
    situation. We have moved out of our rental back in April
    08, and at first my Landlord sent us a certified letter
    trying to extort ridiculous amounts of money (thinking we
    are young, stupid, and naive to fall for it). I
    immediately responded with a certified letter, showing
    proof that his demands were completely outrageous, and
    that he owes us 3/4 of our SD back, and that we are
    willing to take 1/4 of our SD to pay for some of the
    problematic areas-that we originally agreed too during out
    walkthrough. Well he never responded, nor did he send us
    our money. I have every intent of sending him another
    certified letter demanding our money. According to Nevada
    State law-if the landlord refuses to pay or fails to
    respond within 30 days of us moving out-that he forfeits
    any and all damages-and he has to pay us back our full
    amount. So what should I do? I have all kinds of pictures,
    and signed walkthrough checklist by him and myself, and
    receipts from carpet cleaners, and housekeeping bills that
    we kept the residence clean.

    What should I do now?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Security Deposit, 6/11/08, by Jackellyn.
  • Re: Security Deposit, 6/19/08, by Gail in Georgia.
  • Re: Security Deposit, 6/24/08, by Frankie.

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