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    Re: " connection with resident's use"???

    Posted by Frankie on 6/24/08

    On 6/18/08, Patrick wrote:
    > I am supposed to pay for water, sewage, and trash - which
    > is fine, but I am now being billed for the average amount
    > of usage based on the square footage of my unit.
    > The closest pertinent phrases in my lease are:
    > Resident agrees to pay all charges not supplied by owner,
    > assessed by the utility provider, owner, or owner's
    > designee in connection with resident's use of utilities...
    > Resident will be responsible for utilities consumed during
    > occupancy.
    > As I am only in the apartment 1/2 time because of travel,
    > I think the cost is outrageously high for me. Can anyone
    > tell me if I am responsible for this average charge or
    > whether this language means what I thought it meant and I
    > am responsible for what I use???
    > The owner, contrary to what we were told verbally, did not
    > install meters and as such the only way they can measure
    > is on an average method. I think that the utilities then
    > should be the owner's problem if he decided not to
    > construct the building to measure my use.
    > But what do I know.

    You may have signed yourself into paying for those utilities.
    Nevertheless, withhold the utility payments and force your
    landlord to take you to court. You may get a court to
    invalidate the utility term in your lease. Also, check the
    Landlord Tenant Act in your jurisdiction for a section on the
    landlord's right to charge for utilities. It should have a
    list of acceptable methods of calculating the utility costs.
    If the average method is not one of them, then you should have
    a pretty good argument against paying the utilities by the
    average method. In addition, it may force your landlord to get
    those meters installed.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • " connection with resident's use"??? , 6/18/08, by Patrick.
  • Re: " connection with resident's use"??? , 6/24/08, by Frankie.

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