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    Posted by Elisabeth on 7/02/08

    I have a 5 year lease in Las Vegas. I have lived here for
    2 years to date. My landlord passed away in January. His
    kids inherited the property. In turn they sold it in June,
    and the new landlord wants us out because he purchased the
    home as a flip house, and had to sell it within 90 days.
    My new landlords argument is that my original landlord
    added his 3 kids 1 month before the lease was signed as
    2nd party to the deed; that all 3 kids and landlord (Bob)
    would have had to sign the lease for it to be legal. All
    his kids lived out of the state of Nevada. Bob the
    landlord lived right across the street from the rental I
    am in. The landlord had a mortgage on the property that HE
    paid monthly plus taxes and insurance. The kids never came
    to inspect the property in those 2 years.
    The new landlord said the old landlord would have needed
    power of attorney from the kids. That if we went to court
    the lease agreement will not stand. The new landlord said
    the old landlord could not enter in to contract with us
    unless it had the kids signatures or power of attorney
    from them
    My question is: Can only one signature by the original
    landlord serve as agent for all of them on the lease?
    Would this lease be binding with only the one signature?

    Thanks in advance for the help.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • 5 YEAR-LEASE AGREEMENT, 7/02/08, by Elisabeth.
  • Re: 5 YEAR-LEASE AGREEMENT, 7/03/08, by Eric.
  • Re: 5 YEAR-LEASE AGREEMENT, 7/03/08, by Frankie.

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