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    Posted by Frankie on 7/03/08

    First, check your lease. Does it have in it (perhaps under a
    heading like Parties) a phrase similar to this: "Landlord as
    herein used shall include the owner(s) of the premises, its
    heirs, assigns, or representatives and/or agent(s) designated
    by the owner?" Focusing on the "heirs and assigns" part.

    Please post your answer.

    Second, you cannot add parties to a deed without a conveyance.
    Besides, it won't effect your interest in the land, since they
    would take "subject to" your lease.

    No, the kids wouldn't have to sign the lease for it to be legal.

    On 7/02/08, Elisabeth wrote:
    > I have a 5 year lease in Las Vegas. I have lived here for
    > 2 years to date. My landlord passed away in January. His
    > kids inherited the property. In turn they sold it in June,
    > and the new landlord wants us out because he purchased the
    > home as a flip house, and had to sell it within 90 days.
    > My new landlords argument is that my original landlord
    > added his 3 kids 1 month before the lease was signed as
    > 2nd party to the deed; that all 3 kids and landlord (Bob)
    > would have had to sign the lease for it to be legal. All
    > his kids lived out of the state of Nevada. Bob the
    > landlord lived right across the street from the rental I
    > am in. The landlord had a mortgage on the property that HE
    > paid monthly plus taxes and insurance. The kids never came
    > to inspect the property in those 2 years.
    > The new landlord said the old landlord would have needed
    > power of attorney from the kids. That if we went to court
    > the lease agreement will not stand. The new landlord said
    > the old landlord could not enter in to contract with us
    > unless it had the kids signatures or power of attorney
    > from them
    > My question is: Can only one signature by the original
    > landlord serve as agent for all of them on the lease?
    > Would this lease be binding with only the one signature?
    > Thanks in advance for the help.
    > Elisabeth

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • 5 YEAR-LEASE AGREEMENT, 7/02/08, by Elisabeth.
  • Re: 5 YEAR-LEASE AGREEMENT, 7/03/08, by Eric.
  • Re: 5 YEAR-LEASE AGREEMENT, 7/03/08, by Frankie.

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