Re: Harrasment from Landlady
Posted by Citizen's Against Legal and Moral Abuse, Inc. on 2/23/09
Whenever you rent, it's as if you own the property. The
landlady has no right to come onto the property anytime she
feels like it. Unless you are afraid of making waves, I would
let her know in no uncertain terms to stay off the property
and if she wants to come onto the property, she needs to give
you notice within the time frame allowed by law. If she
continues even after you tell her to stay off the property,
then I would call the police and insist that they intervene to
let her know she is not allowed on the property without giving
you the notice allowed by law. If you want, go to our web
site and post on our discussion board for even more help as
you never know who might see your post and give you other
advice you never thought of before. Feel free to email us
with specific questions as well.
Roberta, President of Citizen's Against Legal and Moral Abuse
We are an organization that fights for the rights of others
who have been legally or morally abused by the system in some
Our web site address is: or
Our email address is:
On 2/22/09, wrote:
> First send a certified letter stating your problems with the
> lanlord. If things do not change, start escrowing the money
> and give written notice of this as well. Alternatively,
> and be prepared that she may try to sue for breaking the
> lease ... in the latter case, just make sure that your
> are good (and even if you decide to move, it does not hurt
> have documentation that you sent notification to the
> of your problems
> On 10/12/08, Virginia Smith wrote:
>> I feel that my landlady is harassing both my boyfriend and
>> myself. We have been here for only a short time though she
>> arrives unannounced through out the week at any time of
>> the day, asking why we are there or why we are away. In
>> the lease it states that she is to give 24 hour notice
>> though she has never done so. She even entered the house
>> without asking the other day. The property we are renting
>> has fruits and vegetables; she feels that while we are to
>> maintain these crops she has the right to pick all of the
>> crops. We are to pay for all of the maintenance of the
>> yard and what it produces though she seems to feel this is
>> her land so she owns all we grow. Just today she came and
>> picked every fruit off of my persimmon tree even though
>> they were not ripe, when asked why she wanted unripe ones
>> she said because if she waited we would take them.
>> We were unable to mow the lawn for a week or so for lack
>> of gas, and she decides to show up to tell us this was not
>> exemptible. This whole time she and her sister were taking
>> the squash I had been caring for. She lives nowhere close
>> to the property so she is here just to look in on us and
>> then tells us about the days that she did not see us here
>> at the property. She has stated that she gets checks on
>> time, though she also drives by many times a week to look
>> over the property with out telling us.
>> I do not wish to seem rude though English is not her first
>> language and dose not understands privacy or my right as a
>> renter. What rights do I have and how dose one go about
>> asking for them to be enforced. We like the place and the
>> neighbors, though we would like our rights to be observed.