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    Post: Can they evict me?

    Posted by Cindy Xiong on 1/06/09

    In August 2008, my A/C died and I called the landlords to
    come fix it. They told me to pay for it and they'd
    reimburse me. After that, they shut down their phone
    numbers and did not call me for over 3 months. Meanwhile,
    I stopped paying rent because I feared they were
    foreclosing since they're upside down on their mortgage.
    Then in December 2008, they demanded all unpaid rents. The
    excuse for not returning our call is that one landlord was
    out of the country. We made two rent payments in December,
    but as of today, we still owe two months rent. Today, I
    received a 3-day notice to pay rent or quit. I also
    learned that they have never paid property taxes and they
    also stopped paying the homeowner's insurance. I also
    suspect that they are in default on their mortgage;
    although no notice of default has been recorded at our
    county yet. My question is, after the landlord stopped
    calling me for 3 months and just left me without a clue as
    to what their intentions with the property is, do they have
    the right to demand all payments? Can they evict me? Do I
    have any recourse?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Can they evict me?, 1/06/09, by Cindy Xiong.
  • Re: Did you live there?, 1/11/09, by Annie.
  • Re: Did you live there?, 2/23/09, by

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