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    Post: Bad Tentant

    Posted by Danny on 3/05/09

    I made a big mistake. I just got my first tentant in my
    First rental property. Needless to say I still have a
    heart,and am ignorant to the problem tentant till now. I
    found a renter and I did not screen him. He looked like a
    professional guy and when he came to sign the lease he
    said he didnt have the money, Becuase his last landlord
    screwed him out of 3 months rent. Being more stupid then
    nice. I let him move in with absolutely no money with the
    promise that he would have all the money owed by the 1st.
    That would be 12 days from the time of move in. As soon as
    the 1st was gettting close I tried to call and he is
    ignoring me and when I talk to him if im lucky he tells me
    that he doesnt have the money.that I need to wait longer.
    I asked him to leave and he says its against the law to
    just throw him out. So now I have to evict a guy that
    hasnt paid a dime and can wreck the house. I havent been
    told that if no money at all exchanged hands the lease
    wouldnt be valid, And he wouldnt have a leg to stand on.
    Probably not correct advise. . Cant lock him out. The
    police said that since he has a lease he is allowed to
    stay. So he knows how to play the system and is already
    threatening court. I just started the Eviction notice
    today. I dont know much about the system. Any advise will
    help. Thanks. Im in Las Vegas NV

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Bad Tentant, 3/05/09, by Danny.
  • Re: Bad Tentant, 3/13/09, by mj.
  • Re: Bad Tentant, 4/01/09, by Tony.

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