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    Re: Massive 2nd Floor Leak Damage; CA; Asbestos; Please Help

    Posted by Lydia on 10/04/14

    I am currently in a VERY similar situation and was wondering what happened
    to you? Did you end up suing and if so, how much did you seek (and I'm
    guessing win)? I hope you or someone else responds and can answer some
    of the good questions you posed.

    Thank you,

    On 6/17/10, Nicholas wrote:
    > On June 16th, 2010, my apartment here in Los Angeles was
    > extremely flooded due to an act of negligence on behalf of
    > the apartment managers and independent plumbers. I am
    > extremely angry because I have previously noted to the
    > landlord that a small leak in the bathroom had occured in
    > the first week when i lived there, which he even saw for
    > himself. He assured me that it was no problem and that the
    > upstairs tenet had been taking a hot shower for too long
    > previously.
    > About a month and a half later down the line, I get a call
    > around 8:00pm from the landlord, who tells me of what had
    > happened. I had been out all day looking for a job, as I
    > have just graduated from college and am in need of money.
    > When I arrived back to my apartment, the most brutal stench
    > could be smelled. The ceiling had suffered major damage in
    > three primary locations (bathroom, kitchen, living room).
    > Water had also still been left under file cabinets, etc.
    > Before I arrived to my apartment, the landlord told me that
    > they had a crew of people in my apartment cleaning up the
    > place prior to my arrival. The water has damaged and broken
    > a variety of electronic accessories, including chargers,
    > audio/video devices, etc. At the time, they said it would
    > not be a problem to reimburse me for any personal damages,
    > and just to simply bring them copies of receipts as
    > necessary.
    > What really ticks me off is that the plumbing system here
    > has been a huge issue ever since I arrived here three
    > months ago, but they assured my not to worry about it.
    > Every one or two weeks, the landlord has to call a crew to
    > come by and clean the main pipeline, in order to ensure any
    > flooding is prevented. The toilets often bubble when this
    > case is at hand, signifying backup in the mainline. The
    > landlord has made it the responsibility of the tenants to
    > to call if such noises are heard. I have always been on
    > good terms with the landlord.
    > The building I live in is six stories, apparently leaving
    > the first floor to be the most suceptible to incidental
    > flooding. The landlord had told me that in order to clean
    > up the main line that day (there had been scheduled
    > maintenence from 9am to 2:30pm that day), they would have
    > to turn on all the second story fossets (while the water
    > was off) and then force the materials out manually. When
    > they decided to turn the water back on, they had forgot to
    > turn off the water fossets at 211 (i'm apt 111), where
    > nobody currently lives at. Because I was gone, 211
    > completely flooded my room below, in addition to the
    > apartment next to me (109). I consider this an act of
    > negligence on behalf of the maintenence crew which made the
    > mistake, as well as gross negligence on behalf of the
    > landlord who was aware of the issue.
    > Clause 9 of my contract specifies:
    > DAMAGES: Tenant shall promptly pay for any damage to the
    > premises, general premises, contents, furnishings and
    > equipment thereof which may be caused by Tenant, his guests
    > or occupants. Drains and waste pipes are acknowledged to
    > have been clear at commencement of this agreeement unless
    > reported otherwise to landlord within one week therefrom
    > and the cost of clearing any partial or complete stoppage
    > occuring during the term of this agreement shall be paid by
    > tenant. (Fortunately, I had shown them the leakage issue
    > within the first week of my residence.)
    > Clause 18 of my contract specifies:
    > ASBESTOS: This is to make you aware that the following
    > items may be asbestos containing: Acoustical ceilings,
    > interior sheetrock (Drywall) / joint compound, tile floors
    > or the glue under the tile floors. Therefore, if any of
    > these items is broken or damaged, please notify the manager
    > immediately, Do not try to repair item yourself. (Asbestos
    > and mold is now wet and exposed; the entire partition
    > between me and the 2nd floor is SOAKED).
    > There is also a "MOLD & MILDEW ADDENDUM" which states at
    > one point, "Excess water shall be immediately removed to
    > prevent further damage in such a case."
    > The landlord said it could take two to three weeks to fix
    > the issue. The landlord plans to completely rip out most of
    > the ceiling and walls where damages exist while I am
    > present in order to release liability of personal property
    > which could be damaged. Note that I have a statement and
    > signature from my neighbor, who was also affected
    > substantially by this incident. I have told them within one
    > week from when I moved in that there was a bathroom leak,
    > which they never pursued to fix entirely.
    > Now they have placed a LOOOUUUUDD Powr-Flite PD2500
    > Power/Dryr in my apartment, which they said to leave on
    > 24/7. They let me know that it was ok to turn it off at
    > night, but because the stench is so incredibly bad (and
    > smells dangerous), I have to leave it on with the windows
    > open (btw, no heating at my apartment). It is incredibly
    > cold and difficult to sleep at night, walls are now showing
    > heavy signs of wear from water, and the stench is
    > incredibly bad. Because the building has been here since
    > the 50's, mold has obviously accrued over a substantial
    > amount of time. There is also exposed, damp asbestos which
    > really scares me and my wife. Plus, how can they expect me
    > to pay for the massive amount of electricity from having
    > this Extreme Power Dryer in my house on 24/7. They are even
    > bringing in a de-humidifier which will be on 24/7 soon.
    > The landlord has not offered to place me in a hotel, or to
    > prorate and deduct the two to three weeks of rent upon
    > which I have to endure these circumstances. I have still
    > maintained my composition of professionalism, yet am
    > furious on the inside. There is also water dripping all
    > over the sink and toilet, making it a terrible burden to
    > perform either act of usage without receiving a
    > complementary shower. I am also worried about my own and my
    > wife's health. Please note that I have a witness in
    > conjunction to the incident and have previously noted the
    > leakage issue. Aside from a direct witness, many are aware
    > and dissatisfied with the plumbing system entirely.
    > Now I just graduated college and am looking for a career
    > with little money in pocket. I always pay rent and
    > utilities on time and the timing couldn't be any worse. I
    > am ready to be a leader and do as much as legally possible
    > to prevent further issues for others in the buildings, and
    > especially myself, who has always been an upstanding tenant
    > my whole life. The plumbing in this building has been a
    > problem forever, according to both landlord and tenants. I
    > feel there are multiple actions that I can pursue with
    > legal emphasis, yet am seeking the highest amount of
    > remedies for damages possible. I am currently on a one-year
    > lease and love the place, yet hate such dangerous
    > conditions.
    > At very least, I would like my electricity bill and rent
    > bill for the month prorated and deducted for the time of
    > damages, and to be placed in a hotel at least. I feel these
    > are dangerous conditions to live in, given the visibility
    > and smell of mold and asbestos all around me. I have taken
    > pictures when I first moved in, and now have extensive
    > pictures of both the room above me and my own apartment. I
    > am 100&37; willing to sue for the highest form of damages if
    > possible. I feel that two to three weeks in this room is
    > extremely hazardous to my health. It will be my first time
    > pursuing litigation, but with a little help from a Business
    > Law course I took last year, feel very capable to succeed
    > and perhaps turn this issue around for more tenants then
    > just myself.
    > This location needs somebody to step up to the plate.
    > Please inform me of how to maximize my scenario. I wish to
    > pursue as many punitive damages as possible. My thinking is
    > to address both acts of negligence on behalf of the
    > independently contracted plumbers who failed to turn the
    > water off at 211 before turning on the water, and/or gross
    > negligence on behalf of the landlord, who was fully aware
    > of the potential hazards which could have occurred at any
    > given time, knowing that this building has been in need of
    > a new plumbing system for ages; Not scheduled maintenance.
    > Please inform me as to the maximum amount of damages I can
    > pursue. I am furious on the inside and am very ready to
    > pursue litigation at any given moment (especially in
    > relation to the asbestos/mold situation which obviously
    > proves hazardous to mine any my wife's health). I also have
    > before/after pictures. Please inform me as to how I can
    > maximize my scenario to the fullest extent.
    > Thank you so much for taking the time to help me out,
    > ~Nick

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Massive 2nd Floor Leak Damage; CA; Asbestos; Please Help Me., 6/17/10, by Nicholas.
  • Re: Massive 2nd Floor Leak Damage; CA; Asbestos; Please Help, 12/14/10, by jasmine.
  • Re: Massive 2nd Floor Leak Damage; CA; Asbestos; Please Help, 10/04/14, by Lydia.

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