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    Re: Is this eviction legal?

    Posted by David on 12/12/05

    Yes you can be evicted for such incident, it's her property
    and she wants a peaceful enviroment for her grandaughter
    (and other tenants if there are any others there)

    The procedure to do for your Landlady was to give you a 30
    days notice (because you need to find another place) and
    than if the 30 days passes and you don't move, she has to
    give you a 5 day notice, and if you have not move by that
    time, (whatever the excuse you give) than she has to file a
    Summons and Complaint and take you to court and after she
    wins, she has to pay the Sheriff to come and give you 2
    hours to move your stuff out

    Please remember that you will be charged for Court papers,
    her time, Sheriff's fees and so much more, so you are going
    to end up with a big bill and an eviction on your record
    which I am sure you don't really want

    How old is your child?

    Becareful who you hire to watch him/her, it sounds to me
    that this babysitter is not very trustworthy to let such
    incident happen as to disturb the peace and if things went
    as far as to trow a speaker that hitted a car, it could also
    injure anybody and that includes your child

    I hope you can convince the Landlady to let you stay without
    any further problems on your part, you don't really want an
    eviction on your record

    On 12/12/05, patricia wrote:
    > I am being evicted for an action that took place while I
    > wasn't home, my baby sitter arrived at my apartment with 2
    > guests, whom never even entered the apartment, the 2
    > begin arguing and one through a speaker enclosure and it
    > hit a car, they were yelling back in forth and then left.
    > the managers daughter lives under me who heard and saw
    > take place, she called the police (she is also married to
    > the maintanance man)whocaught the two before exiting the
    > area. One of them was arrested and charged with breach of
    > peace and a malicious act of damage under $1000.00. the
    > next morning I received a letter on my door that stated
    > (due to the incident last night you will be evicted in 15
    > days if you don not leave.) I went to talk to the manager
    > and she said her grand daughter lives in my building, and
    > she is not going to put her at risk with events like this
    > happening. I have never had any problems here before. she
    > also knows I was not home during this incident, so can I
    > evicted for this ? My baby sitter had access to the
    > apartment but the guest remained in the parking lot. What
    > should I do about this?any suggestions will be

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Is this eviction legal?, 12/12/05, by patricia.
  • Re: Is this eviction legal?, 12/12/05, by David.

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