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    Post: CA 30 day evict notice , Section1946: I didn't do anything!!

    Posted by Jamie on 8/11/06

    It starts off that I meet a friend of a friend, who's
    roomates have just moved out of the 2nd bedroom (2 bdrm
    apt) in HB, CA. She say's to move in May 1st, which I do. A
    couple of weeks go by and I see the landlord occasionally,
    never says anything to me about moving in. I go up to her
    one day to ask if I needed to be on the lease and she says
    'It doesn't matter either way'. A week goes by and my
    roomate tells me that the 'roomates' that moved out where
    actually a brazilian couple who had just gotten pregnant
    and moved out to find their own place. The shady part is
    that my roomate married the man to get his visa. All of the
    bills AND the apartment is under his name in order to keep
    up the jig, which worked perfectly for her due to her bad
    credit. I've met this guy once super early in the morning
    for about 30 seconds when he showed up one day looking for
    my roomate. He comes by to get his mail and that's his only
    tie to this apt. So 4 months has gone by and our roomate
    situation has gone sour due to her bringing home strange
    men constantly, drug addicts that have trashed my bathroom
    and tried to break into my bedroom (luckily i had put a key
    lock on my door envisioning something of this nature would
    happen), her cat (the apt doesn't allow cats) spreading
    fleas everyone and her not caring, her breaking my
    furniture and holding loud parties all the time. After
    things started getting this way, I approach the landlord
    and say I want to get on the lease thinking that my roomate
    was gonna try and get me to leave. I liked the apt, and I
    didn't want to be the one that would have to go figuring
    because she couldn't get on the lease. So I do, she never
    turns in her paperwork. The landlord finds out she has a
    cats and tells her that she or the cat have to move out.
    She tells me she's moving out on the first (is now hiding
    the cat in her room) so I assume that I get the apt. I
    leave a note on the door of my landlord telling her that
    I'd like my bf to move in and to see what paperwork had to
    be done. My roomate tells me that this is her 'husbands'
    apartment and that I would have to leave. I didn't stress
    because I knew several things about this place and them
    were illegal and figured since I actually lived here AND
    was on the lease, I had the most authority. Well, I was
    just handed an eviction notice by my roomate. It's dated
    yesterday at 10pm. Signed by my landlord stating that my
    she served this paperwork to me yesterday, which she
    obviously didn't.

    Sorry to run on and on but I'm so peeved by this situation.
    Basically my roomate and her marriage fraud require that
    this apartment be in her 'husbands' name. The landlord
    KNOWS about this illegal marriage and is quite buddy buddy
    with this guy. She's a slumlord in the sense that she's
    never returned by calls, fixed anything in the apt that I
    notified her about and pretty much runs from me when I ask
    her about apt stuff. Not only that, but this small complex
    has an abundancy of the origin of people that this illegal
    is, making me think she's got some shady ties - although I
    could totally be wrong, just kinda seems that way.

    I have done NOTHING to validate being kicked out - pay rent
    always on time, don't make any noise, etc. Absolutely

    I love this apartment! What do I do?? Any help would be so
    incredibly appreciated.

    Jamie, 27 Huntington Beach

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • CA 30 day evict notice , Section1946: I didn't do anything!!, 8/11/06, by Jamie.
  • Re: CA 30 day evict notice , Section1946: I didn't do anythi, 8/11/06, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: CA 30 day evict notice , Section1946: I didn't do anythi, 8/11/06, by Jamie .
  • Re: CA 30 day evict notice , Section1946: I didn't do anythi, 8/11/06, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: CA 30 day evict notice , Section1946: I didn't do anythi, 8/11/06, by Jamie .
  • Re: CA 30 day evict notice , Section1946: I didn't do anythi, 8/28/08, by suzanne.

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