Re: CA 30 day evict notice , Section1946: I didn't do anythi
Posted by Jamie on 8/11/06
Well I turned in my paperwork to her about a month ago. Whether she processed it or not is another issue. I'm tried to find my landlord yesterday and her kids kept telling me she wasn't home. Going to try again today to 1. ask her for a reason 2. get a copy of my lease (i read that she has 15 days by law to give me a copy - it's been over that) and 3. ask for the property OWNER's contact information. Does this seem like a good way to move forward or no? thanks so much for your response, Jamie > > Basically it boils down to this; if you are NOT on the lease > and you've been served with a notice to vacate, you must > vacate as you are not considered a tenant. The apt is in > her 'husbands' name so she and him are legal tenants. > Unfortunately, you're not. > > It matter not that the marriage is illegal or that the > landlord know about it. If you're not on the lease, you are > not a legal tenant and therefore must abide by the eviction > notice or take her to court (unlikely you'll prevail). > > IMHO: Find a place of your own so you don't have to deal > with this garbage in the future.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- CA 30 day evict notice , Section1946: I didn't do anything!!, 8/11/06, by Jamie.
- Re: CA 30 day evict notice , Section1946: I didn't do anythi, 8/11/06, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: CA 30 day evict notice , Section1946: I didn't do anythi, 8/11/06, by Jamie .
- Re: CA 30 day evict notice , Section1946: I didn't do anythi, 8/11/06, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: CA 30 day evict notice , Section1946: I didn't do anythi, 8/11/06, by Jamie .
- Re: CA 30 day evict notice , Section1946: I didn't do anythi, 8/28/08, by suzanne.