Re: Constructive Eviction ?
Posted by Bobby on 1/05/06
*Are the owners
responsible for covering any moving costs I incur?*
They should be! responsible for moving expenses, since you
are moving because of the living problems there, just don't
bring outrageous estimates
Why do you want to move back into that particular rental
property? is it because of the location being close to the
place where you work, lower rent, or? I am just curious, at
less they are going to completly remodel I doubt it will be
any good to live there
Truly I don't like to live in old places and in California
rental property, most of them are 30, 40 years and older
with problems such as mildew, termites etc., wich brings
sickness and disease, hopefully with the other repairs this
will be fixed too
Please make sure that you rent will remain the same when you
move back, read your lease/contract or the month to month
tenancy paper, because if they are going to spend lots of
money in repairs it's more likely that your rent will be
higher when you comeback
Best of Luck
On 1/04/06, Petulantis wrote:
> I live in an apartment in CA. I love th premises and have
> never had a problem until now. Apparently the buildings
> are rotting from the inside out. I recieved a notice to
> vacate the property as soon as possible so the building
> may be repaired. I have no problem with moving and would
> lilke to move back once the repairs are made. My problem
> is that the owners do NOT want to cover my moving costs.
> They offered to take a limited amount off of my next
> month's rent if I relocate on the same property. The
> amount they offer is barely half of what I was given in
> estimates for moving me. They refuse to cover any moving
> costs for moving back in to the apartment once the repairs
> are made. This is a problem because the apartment they are
> relocating me to, is also in disrepair and I will
> eventually be asked to move again anyway. Are the owners
> responsible for covering any moving costs I incur?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Constructive Eviction ?, 1/04/06, by Petulantis.
- Re: Constructive Eviction ?, 1/05/06, by Bobby.