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    Re: Tenant declaring Bankruptcy--what should I do?

    Posted by Inland Empire Lawyer on 4/05/07

    The Bankruptcy doesn't allow them not to pay you and live
    there. If they stop paying, you can evict them. The only
    additional hurdle is that you have to have approval from the
    Bankruptcy Court to do so in addition to the County Court.
    When the lease expires they still have to pay you on a
    monthly basis to live there. The details of getting them out
    after the lease expires if they are still making payments is
    a State Specific Problem so your Real Estate Attorney will
    have to explain that to you.

    On 4/03/07, Crystal Archer wrote:
    I was not aware of a
    > bankruptcy til now, and now I am worried that they can stay
    > in my home without paying.
    > If there is a "Stay(?)" put on their lease after filing
    > bankruptcy, can they stay after the lease expires? What do
    > I need to worry about? I will get an attorney tomorrow, but
    > I'm just really anxious now.
    > Thanks! -Crystal

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Tenant declaring Bankruptcy--what should I do?, 4/03/07, by Crystal Archer.
  • Re: Tenant declaring Bankruptcy--what should I do?, 4/05/07, by Inland Empire Lawyer.

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