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    Re: A version of the Non-Bar JD classification will Remain

    Posted by Mydea on 2/08/09

    OK... you'll see...
    its already in the works...I kid you not...

    The CA and other states DL or correspondence law schools should maintain
    a law program similar in scope to the CA bar JD or EJD programs in
    structure and procedure. Their graduates will be eligible to use their
    law training program to be eligible for a non-bar type JD credential.

    On 2/08/09, aba graduate wrote:
    > The state bar has a plan to eliminate
    > the executive non bar Juris Doctor.
    > They bar has many many plans......only
    > a few correspondence schools will remain,
    > On 2/07/09, atty wrote:
    >> they should change the name the non-bar JD to JDS (aka JD for
    > Stupids)
    >> or JDL (JD for losers). I mean, bathroom tissue is more useful than a
    >> non-bar JD. Why would someone want to waste 4 years and good sum of
    >> money for a non-bar JD? either a stupid with IQ < 65 or a complete
    >> loser, true?
    >> On 2/07/09, Mydea wrote:
    >>> Sorry Mr. ABA grad,
    >>> I hate to burst your bubble, but the non-bar J.D. is not going away.
    >>> In fact they could spread to every state, you'll see why I say that
    >>> within one year or so. I also predict more non-bar law programs and
    >>> correspondence law schools in California and other states. A non-bar
    >>> J.D. totally legal and approved by government. That will probably
    >>> make Mr. ABA grad sick to his stomach, but oh well he'll have to
    >>> deal with it.
    >>> Here's a clue Mr. ABA grad....look to the past you'll find your
    >>> manswer in history and government.
    >>> On 2/07/09, ABA grad wrote:
    >>>> Because a non-bar executive J.D. degree
    >>>> de-values a real J.D. degree.
    >>>> I worked hard for my degrees in life
    >>>> and phony degrees in circulation are
    >>>> are a disgrace for those that earned
    >>>> real degrees.
    >>>> On 2/07/09, sine qua wrote:
    >>>>> if you are truly a lawyer, then why do you care about a non-bar
    >>>>> degree...? that's like a pro baseball player trying to stop a
    >>>>> softball game... unless your not really a pro baseball player
    >>>>> and maybe just a tee baller...

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • thank you..., 2/07/09, by DON.
  • Re: thank you...and you are so welcome, 2/07/09, by aba grad rides again.
  • Re: thank you...and you are so welcome, 2/07/09, by sine qua.
  • Re: thank you...and you are so welcome, 2/07/09, by ABA grad toasts the State Bar.
  • Re: West Coast..........just a start........just a start really, 2/07/09, by ABA grad.
  • Re: Non-Bar JD not Going Away, 2/07/09, by Mydea.
  • Re: thank you...and you are so welcome, 2/07/09, by --.
  • Re: Non-Bar JD not Going Away, 2/07/09, by atty.
  • Re: Non-Bar JD degree IS Going Away, 2/08/09, by aba graduate.
  • Re: A version of the Non-Bar JD classification will Remain, 2/08/09, by Mydea.

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