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    Post: Online Law School

    Posted by Barb in Georgia on 7/12/09

    Okay... I am in my 40's and have been considering law
    school for a long time (20 years). I took LSAT 4 years ago
    and did horribly. I have been in the legal profession
    (paralegal) for 18 years. My Bachelor's Degree GPA is 3.69.
    However, because of the low LSAT, I could not get into
    either of the 2 law schools in Georgia that have evening
    programs. One of them, John Marshall, even lost its ABA

    So now I am researching the online law schools. I know I
    cannot sit for the Bar in Georgia if I go to an online law
    school but I am a CA native and may go back.

    So, what I have found is that Concord will cost me $40,000
    by the time I am done. Their percentages look pathetic.
    They come across as some great online law school, but their
    numbers say differently. I mean, they have the same status
    as any other correspondence law school. What am I getting
    for $40,000?

    I had looked into California School of Law, but they just
    started in 2007 so they don't have a Bar pass rate and what
    happens if they don't get another 5 year renewal. They are
    $6,000 a year but what I like about them is that you have
    to attend online class 2 nights a week for 3 hours. At
    least you get some classroom instruction without having to
    go to an actual class.

    I am considering NWCU because of price and the fact they
    have been around a while.

    I finished my BS degree online and I am working on my
    Masters in Law and Public Policy online (both at
    accreddited colleges) but it just doesn't make sense to
    rack up the debt for a Master's Degree when I know it is a
    law deree I want and I can do that without racking up debt.

    I do not work full-time so I have the time to spend
    studying, I just want to know which online school would be
    money well spent.


    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Online Law School, 7/12/09, by Barb in Georgia.
  • Re: Online Law School, 7/12/09, by Jack.
  • Re: Online Law School, 7/13/09, by Marky Mark.
  • Re: Online Law School, 7/13/09, by Legalette.
  • Re: Online Law School, 7/13/09, by Pierre.
  • Re: Online Law School, 7/13/09, by passer.

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