Post: Concerned about attendance

Posted by Stephanie on 7/16/09
I was accepted to law school and plan to go to a school in the fall that's about 4 hours away from home. This would normally be no problem, except i'll have to travel home either once or twice a month for medical treatment - and doctors don't work on saturdays. my previous treatments have always been on a wednesday, so it's likely i would be missing like wednesday afternoon and possibly thursday morning classes, depending on how i felt afterwards, and if i was able to drive back. i can obviously arrange a lot of treatments for vacations, etc., but im concerned i might have to miss 4 or so classes during hte semester. What is the attendance policy like in law school? do you have to attend every single class? and are professors more lenient if you tell them it's for health reasons, and you can prove it?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Concerned about attendance, 7/16/09, by Stephanie .
- Re: Concerned about attendance, 7/16/09, by friend.
- Re: Concerned about attendance, 7/17/09, by David.
- Re: Concerned about attendance, 7/17/09, by Hmmm.