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    Posted by David on 8/05/09

    I can assure you that he was in the process of preparing the appeal when he
    suffered the stroke from which he is still recovering. It is hardly reasonable to
    expect a man to litigate such a matter when in rehab for recovery now is it? As
    for standing, if he didnt have standing then who did? You amaze me, not only by
    your lack of empathy for this man but also by your lack of knowledge on such a
    wide range of subjects. far as burgers and fries go, when you take
    my order at the drive through try and get it right this time?

    On 8/05/09, ABA is the way to go ! wrote:
    > Well Mr. J.D. degree from a correspondence law school,
    > Mr. Stallings had a right to appeal the State Bar
    > decision and in fact, if the State Bar violated
    > due process rights, Mr. Stallings could file an
    > appeal with the Cal Supreme Court...I dont see
    > that appeal no where......oh.....and if he files
    > within the alloted time that appeal will be crushed
    > quickly, he has NO STANDING !
    > Now go make those burgers and fries !
    > On 8/05/09, David wrote:
    >> Do everybody on this board a favor and get some idea of what youre talking
    >> about before you make any more posts on this issue. You make no points worthy
    >> of responding to. Where my JD is from is no concern of yours. If you even
    >> bothered to look at the transcript of the hearing before the Bar, you would
    >> know that West Coast was not given a fair opportunity to comply, since the
    >> normally allowed extension for that purpose was denied in this case.
    >> Stallings made a ggod faith effort to comply, but that is obviously as
    >> thankless a task as trying to argue with someone like you. Blather on as you
    >> will, I have neither the time or the energy to continue this since you raise
    >> no points worthy of response.
    >> On 8/05/09, ABA all the way wrote:
    >>> Be that as it may,so you have
    >>> a JD from West Coast or Saratoga or whatever;
    >>> The owner of West Coast School of Law
    >>> did not know how to run a law school
    >>> in compliance with State Bar rules,
    >>> and he was admitted to the State Bar,
    >>> no excuse for not knowing the rules.
    >>> On 8/05/09, David wrote:
    >>>> What facts? The only thing the poster presented was his/her own unfounded
    >>>> opionion. I, on the other hand, know the man personally and speak from
    >>>> both fact and first hand knowledge. As far as your "hopes" go, wrong on
    >>>> all three counts. I already have my JD, and I am a veteran of several
    >>>> years experience to the legal profession. People far more knowledgeable
    >>>> than you will judge the merit of my service.
    >>>> On 8/05/09, Closing West Coast was a celebration by ABA grads wrote:
    >>>>> When you cant argue the facts, you personnaly
    >>>>> attack the poster.....I hope you never get in law school,
    >>>>> never graduate, and never pass the bar.
    >>>>> You sir, would be a discredit to the legal profession.
    >>>>> On 8/05/09, Dave wrote:
    >>>>>> I assume nothing, you prove your own lack of knowledge with every post
    >>>>>> you make. So, go ahead and run your mouth about things you know
    >>>>>> nothing about. As the wise man said, it is better to be silent and be
    >>>>>> thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. Dave Stallings was
    >>>>>> a better man on his worst day than you could ever hope to be.
    >>>>>> On 8/04/09, ABA all the way wrote:
    >>>>>>> You just assumed, I know nothing, yet
    >>>>>>> I graduated from a ABA law school
    >>>>>>> and unlike you, was not disappointed
    >>>>>>> when a crap law school was closed
    >>>>>>> down by the State Bar.
    >>>>>>> What a loser you are !
    >>>>>>> On 8/04/09, David wrote:
    >>>>>>>> Spoken by a person who knows nothing, understands even less, and
    >>>>>>>> expresses those facts with posts such as these. The only thing
    >>>>>>>> closing correspondence law schools will ensure is that only a
    >>>>>>>> select few who can afford ABA type tuitions will be able to gain a
    >>>>>>>> JD and anyone else will just be closed out.
    >>>>>>>> On 8/04/09, Bar did right thing wrote:
    >>>>>>>>> I am sure he is a nice fella.
    >>>>>>>>> But WCSL was a joke of a law school and
    >>>>>>>>> it did not follow the same rules other
    >>>>>>>>> law schools apparently have been following
    >>>>>>>>> successfully for years.
    >>>>>>>>> It is not personal, but crappy law schools
    >>>>>>>>> must be closed to protect the integrity of
    >>>>>>>>> the Juris Doctor degree. Case Closed !
    >>>>>>>>> On 8/04/09, David wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>> Dave Stallings provided a service to a number of students who
    >>>>>>>>>> have gone on into the Cal Bar and are now practicing attorneys.
    >>>>>>>>>> That the state bar chose to close the school in my view did
    >>>>>>>>>> more of a disservice to the students who were currently
    >>>>>>>>>> enrolled than anything else, particularly in view of the fact
    >>>>>>>>>> that Dean Stallings had a stroke and is at this writing still
    >>>>>>>>>> in rehab and not able to do much to help the people victimized
    >>>>>>>>>> by this act. The man was guilty of nothing more than asking
    >>>>>>>>>> the Bar to clarify some of their vague communications to him.
    >>>>>>>>>> After all, how wss the man supposed to comply with their
    >>>>>>>>>> regulations when the Bar consistently refused to define for
    >>>>>>>>>> him what the areas were and what needed to be done? The lack
    >>>>>>>>>> of empathy expressed on this board for this man is nothing
    >>>>>>>>>> short of appalling. "Park his car in the garage?" Lady if
    >>>>>>>>>> there is any justice in the world Dave will be one day able to
    >>>>>>>>>> drive a car again.
    >>>>>>>>>> On 7/28/09, Peggy wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>>> However, on the good side, with the school closing the Dean
    >>>>>>>>>>> can start parking his car in the garage.
    >>>>>>>>>>> Peggy
    >>>>>>>>>>> On 7/27/09, LAW wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>>>> the school has been shut down...

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 7/28/09, by Peggy.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/04/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/04/09, by Peggy.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/04/09, by Bar did right thing.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/04/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/04/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/04/09, by ABA all the way.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/04/09, by ABA all the way.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by Dave.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by Closing West Coast was a celebration by ABA grads.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by ABA all the way.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by ABA is the way to go !.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by Karen.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by ABA graduate not a wannabe lawyer.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by ABA loves laughing at mail order defenders of WCSL.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by show what you got.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by Nope its closed forever..
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by David.
  • Re: California Legal Document Assistants?, 8/06/09, by Jim K..

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