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    Posted by show what you got on 8/05/09

    Evidence? The Case in Chief? The burden of proof of a claim rests
    with the Plaintiff or Petitioner.

    You state the case for West Coast, I guess you are the hot shot
    that is going to bring the case for West Coast.

    I say the reason there is no appeal to California Supreme Court
    is because there is NO CASE !

    State your case !

    On 8/05/09, David wrote:
    > Gee, what a suprise...the same empty arguments with no evidence to support them. Wait, I
    > get it now, since some of the words are in capitals, well that makes all the difference in
    > the world. Capitalize your words and shout 'em down when they disagree and you'll win
    > every time. Mr ABA genius, if thats how you practice law, I feel sorry for your clients.
    > On 8/05/09, ABA loves laughing at mail order defenders of WCSL wrote:
    >> West Coast School of Law HAS NO LEGAL STANDING
    >> to appeal an order to shut down from the California
    >> State Bar.....( even if he had standing if he practices
    >> law like he runs a law school he will get crushed in
    >> Cal Supreme Court)
    >> But he wont be going to court. The State Bar was right
    >> to close him down and WCSL will never open again.
    >> There is no legal issue to be resolved. The State Bar
    >> has rules for unaccredited law schools and clearly
    >> West Coast didnt follow those rules.
    >> Get over it......mail order law degree people.....the
    >> school was crap.....the "Dean" was an idiot in terms
    >> of meeting State Bar rules and he was closed.
    >> I dont see any hot shot appellate lawyers dying to take
    >> up the case of West Coast School of Law or even feel
    >> sorry for the "Dean".
    >> No correspondence law school ever closed by the State
    >> Bar has ever sucessfully appealed to the California
    >> Supreme Court. ever !!!!
    >> On 8/05/09, David wrote:
    >>> Thanks so much for proving every point in my previous posts once again. You don't
    >>> know beans about standing or much of anything else for that matter, but still you post
    >>> here and try to shout down anybody who has the temerity to disagree with your opionion.
    >>> There are specific requirements regarding justiciability, and since West Coast met all
    >>> of them, if there ever was standing for an appeal of an unjust ruling, this is it.
    >>> Finally, either cite some evidence to support your view or stop clogging up this board
    >>> with your blather.
    >>> On 8/05/09, ABA graduate not a wannabe lawyer wrote:
    >>>> Dear Mr. Mail Order J.D. degree holder,
    >>>> West Coast School of Law has NO LEGAL STANDING
    >>>> for an appeal in the California Supreme Court
    >>>> for the State Bar closing down the law school.
    >>>> Got that? There is no legal basis for an appeal.
    >>>> Secondly, if Mr. Stallings practices law like he
    >>>> runs a law school, if he had a legal basis, which
    >>>> he does NOT, he would get his butt
    >>>> handed to him in Court.
    >>>> West Coast School of Law is closed FOREVER !
    >>>> On 8/05/09, David wrote:
    >>>>> I can assure you that he was in the process of preparing the appeal when he
    >>>>> suffered the stroke from which he is still recovering. It is hardly reasonable to
    >>>>> expect a man to litigate such a matter when in rehab for recovery now is it? As
    >>>>> for standing, if he didnt have standing then who did? You amaze me, not only by
    >>>>> your lack of empathy for this man but also by your lack of knowledge on such a
    >>>>> wide range of subjects. far as burgers and fries go, when you take
    >>>>> my order at the drive through try and get it right this time?
    >>>>> On 8/05/09, ABA is the way to go ! wrote:
    >>>>>> Well Mr. J.D. degree from a correspondence law school,
    >>>>>> Mr. Stallings had a right to appeal the State Bar
    >>>>>> decision and in fact, if the State Bar violated
    >>>>>> due process rights, Mr. Stallings could file an
    >>>>>> appeal with the Cal Supreme Court...I dont see
    >>>>>> that appeal no where......oh.....and if he files
    >>>>>> within the alloted time that appeal will be crushed
    >>>>>> quickly, he has NO STANDING !
    >>>>>> Now go make those burgers and fries !
    >>>>>> On 8/05/09, David wrote:
    >>>>>>> Do everybody on this board a favor and get some idea of what youre talking
    >>>>>>> about before you make any more posts on this issue. You make no points worthy
    >>>>>>> of responding to. Where my JD is from is no concern of yours. If you even
    >>>>>>> bothered to look at the transcript of the hearing before the Bar, you would
    >>>>>>> know that West Coast was not given a fair opportunity to comply, since the
    >>>>>>> normally allowed extension for that purpose was denied in this case.
    >>>>>>> Stallings made a ggod faith effort to comply, but that is obviously as
    >>>>>>> thankless a task as trying to argue with someone like you. Blather on as you
    >>>>>>> will, I have neither the time or the energy to continue this since you raise
    >>>>>>> no points worthy of response.
    >>>>>>> On 8/05/09, ABA all the way wrote:
    >>>>>>>> Be that as it may,so you have
    >>>>>>>> a JD from West Coast or Saratoga or whatever;
    >>>>>>>> The owner of West Coast School of Law
    >>>>>>>> did not know how to run a law school
    >>>>>>>> in compliance with State Bar rules,
    >>>>>>>> and he was admitted to the State Bar,
    >>>>>>>> no excuse for not knowing the rules.
    >>>>>>>> On 8/05/09, David wrote:
    >>>>>>>>> What facts? The only thing the poster presented was his/her own unfounded
    >>>>>>>>> opionion. I, on the other hand, know the man personally and speak from
    >>>>>>>>> both fact and first hand knowledge. As far as your "hopes" go, wrong on
    >>>>>>>>> all three counts. I already have my JD, and I am a veteran of several
    >>>>>>>>> years experience to the legal profession. People far more knowledgeable
    >>>>>>>>> than you will judge the merit of my service.
    >>>>>>>>> On 8/05/09, Closing West Coast was a celebration by ABA grads wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>> When you cant argue the facts, you personnaly
    >>>>>>>>>> attack the poster.....I hope you never get in law school,
    >>>>>>>>>> never graduate, and never pass the bar.
    >>>>>>>>>> You sir, would be a discredit to the legal profession.
    >>>>>>>>>> On 8/05/09, Dave wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>>> I assume nothing, you prove your own lack of knowledge with every post
    >>>>>>>>>>> you make. So, go ahead and run your mouth about things you know
    >>>>>>>>>>> nothing about. As the wise man said, it is better to be silent and be
    >>>>>>>>>>> thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. Dave Stallings was
    >>>>>>>>>>> a better man on his worst day than you could ever hope to be.
    >>>>>>>>>>> On 8/04/09, ABA all the way wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>>>> You just assumed, I know nothing, yet
    >>>>>>>>>>>> I graduated from a ABA law school
    >>>>>>>>>>>> and unlike you, was not disappointed
    >>>>>>>>>>>> when a crap law school was closed
    >>>>>>>>>>>> down by the State Bar.
    >>>>>>>>>>>> What a loser you are !
    >>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/04/09, David wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>>>>> Spoken by a person who knows nothing, understands even less, and
    >>>>>>>>>>>>> expresses those facts with posts such as these. The only thing
    >>>>>>>>>>>>> closing correspondence law schools will ensure is that only a
    >>>>>>>>>>>>> select few who can afford ABA type tuitions will be able to gain a
    >>>>>>>>>>>>> JD and anyone else will just be closed out.
    >>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/04/09, Bar did right thing wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am sure he is a nice fella.
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> But WCSL was a joke of a law school and
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> it did not follow the same rules other
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> law schools apparently have been following
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> successfully for years.
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is not personal, but crappy law schools
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> must be closed to protect the integrity of
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Juris Doctor degree. Case Closed !
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/04/09, David wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dave Stallings provided a service to a number of students who
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have gone on into the Cal Bar and are now practicing attorneys.
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That the state bar chose to close the school in my view did
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more of a disservice to the students who were currently
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enrolled than anything else, particularly in view of the fact
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that Dean Stallings had a stroke and is at this writing still
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in rehab and not able to do much to help the people victimized
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by this act. The man was guilty of nothing more than asking
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Bar to clarify some of their vague communications to him.
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After all, how wss the man supposed to comply with their
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regulations when the Bar consistently refused to define for
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> him what the areas were and what needed to be done? The lack
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of empathy expressed on this board for this man is nothing
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> short of appalling. "Park his car in the garage?" Lady if
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is any justice in the world Dave will be one day able to
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drive a car again.
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 7/28/09, Peggy wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, on the good side, with the school closing the Dean
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can start parking his car in the garage.
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Peggy
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 7/27/09, LAW wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the school has been shut down...

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 7/28/09, by Peggy.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/04/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/04/09, by Peggy.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/04/09, by Bar did right thing.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/04/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/04/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/04/09, by ABA all the way.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/04/09, by ABA all the way.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by Dave.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by Closing West Coast was a celebration by ABA grads.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by ABA all the way.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by ABA is the way to go !.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by Karen.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by ABA graduate not a wannabe lawyer.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by ABA loves laughing at mail order defenders of WCSL.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by show what you got.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by David.
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by Nope its closed forever..
  • Re: WEST COAST LAW SCHOOL CLOSED , 8/05/09, by David.
  • Re: California Legal Document Assistants?, 8/06/09, by Jim K..

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