Post: E. Pilot, E. M.D., or Warlock?

Posted by drofn10zt on 10/31/09
After I finishing my E.GED, I plan to become either an E. Pilot or an E. M.D.. Of course, I won't actually be able to fly a plane, or practice medicine, and both programs cost $20,000, but it's really about my love of knowledge and advancing my career by getting out of my parents' basement. I was wondering if I could get a suggestion from some of you out there who have done this type of thing. Are their any other E. Pilots or E. M.D.'s out there who could offer some advice?? P.S. If neither of these ideas work out I was thinking of signing up for a World of Warcraft account and becoming a Warlock...
Posts on this thread, including this one
- E. Pilot, E. M.D., or Warlock?, 10/31/09, by drofn10zt.
- Re: E. Pilot, E. M.D., or Warlock?, 12/09/09, by Mary.