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    Re: Interest on Retainer Fee Money

    Posted by atty on 4/13/10

    Suppose by large sum you meant 100K and this amount sat in the
    trust account for a year. Some checking and most saving accounts
    earn 0.02% interests. I am no good in math (or anything else for
    that matter). Can you calculate the interest earned in a year?

    On 4/13/10, Marvin Straub wrote:
    > Hey, if the supreme court
    > or bar association says it's
    > their money, it's their money.
    > What you going to do, go to
    > war with them. No way you would
    > win that battle. They make
    > the law. Whatever they say the
    > law is, it is. They have the
    > right by eminent domain to take
    > whatever they want and it's tough
    > luck for you, AA. Sorry, but that's
    > why we all want to become lawyers
    > and judges. We can take whatever
    > we please, and it will all be
    > legal. Sorry, friend.
    > On 4/13/10, AA wrote:
    >> I paid my attorney a large
    >>> retainer fee and later dismissed
    >>> him for inaction. He paid me back
    >>> my retainer fee, but refused to pay
    >>> any interest--even though he said
    >>> my money had been drawing interest
    >>> while he held it as a retainer fee.
    >>> When I inquired why I did not get
    >>> the interest, since it was my money
    >>> that earned it, he said that by
    >>> law the interest had to be paid
    >>> to the suprme court. That's wrong.
    >>> Interest earned on money belongs to
    >>> the one whose money it is that earns
    >>> the interest. This is stealing by
    >>> the bar association, as I see it.
    >>> I am going to look for me a lawyer
    >>> to see if he can't get my money back
    >>> from the supreme court. Has anybody
    >>> else had this problem happen to them?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Interest on Retainer Fee Money, 4/13/10, by AA.
  • Re: Interest on Retainer Fee Money, 4/13/10, by Marvin Straub.
  • Re: Interest on Retainer Fee Money, 4/13/10, by atty.
  • Re: Interest on Retainer Fee Money, 4/22/10, by MBA.
  • Re: Interest on Retainer Fee Money, 4/22/10, by Curious Taxpayer.
  • Re: Interest on Retainer Fee Money, 4/22/10, by xyz.
  • Re: Interest on Retainer Fee Money, 4/22/10, by Curmudgeon.

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