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    Re: Distance law schools

    Posted by VP on 6/30/11

    On 6/26/11, Cindy wrote:
    > Does anyone out there have any comments or experiences (good or
    > bad) concerning Northwestern Cal School of Law, American
    > Heritage Law, or University of Honolulu? I am attracted to the
    > tuition price since I don't have an abundance of monetary
    > resources. I am considering attending distance law school and
    > would appreciate any comments. I graduated UNLV with a 3.0, and
    > am currently working full-time. So I'm interested in part-time
    > studies.
    > Thanks.
    > Cindy
    > Reno, NV


    I am also doing my research on law schools. In doing so, there are
    three difference "types" of law schools: ABA approved, State-Bar
    accredited/approved, or State-Bar registered school.

    THERE IS NO "GOOD" AND "BAD" PER SEY. Your circumstances, goals,
    and objectives will dictate the "right school" for you. Needless
    to say, law schools that are ABA approved is more costly. In CA,
    tuition for ABA approved schools is roughly $35-45K per year (not
    including fees, books, and other expenses). However, with ABA
    approval "stamp" (more or less), you will be eligible to sit for
    the Bar exam anywhere in the U.S.

    Now, as for State-Bar accreditation - the rules are different for
    each state and you should do your research. In CA, the California
    Bar Examiner (State-Bar) has the authority to confer J.D. degrees
    upon completion of the program. Graduates are eligible to sit in
    the CA Bar Exam (GBX) ONLY - Meaning, if I move out of CA, and
    want to practice law, I may have to start over (there are
    exception to the rule). Tuition for state-bar approved is cheaper
    than ABA approved schools.

    Now, the third type: distance learning, fix-facility, and
    correspondance. The GREAT thing about this is that tuition is low.
    In fact, tuition at Cal Southern University Law School (online) is
    only about $25K for the entire 4 year part-time study.

    However, there is a catch. After completing your 1L (first year)
    courses, you MUST PASS THE FYLSX (First Year Law Student Exam,
    aka "Baby Bar") within 3 attempts or you will be dismissed from
    the JD program. This is only for "state-bar" registered schools.
    Also, it is important to check for the school's accreditation
    (e.g. national, DETC, regional, etc).

    Hope this helps!


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  • Re: West Coast School of Law, 5/28/11, by Not LawSchoolPrince.
  • Re: West Coast School of Law, 5/28/11, by NicktheNurse.
  • Re: Distance law schools, 6/26/11, by Cindy.
  • Re: Distance law schools, 6/30/11, by VP.
  • Re: Distance law schools, 7/03/11, by Cindy.
  • Re: West Coast School of Law, 7/07/11, by LegalEagle.

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