Posted by thegambler on 11/01/12
Having attended Concord Law School I noted they were the most expensive and did the poorest job of teaching legal writing.This is the crux for passing the CBX. ALU is intermediate in cost, has a good curriculum and good instructors. Both schools have a Prof you should try to avoid. NWCU delivers the most value for the buck. They also try intensely to help you and deliver all the tools. IF you apply yourself and learn all the material you will be able to pass the CBX. Of the three NWCU is the best value, and they stress writing. Concord rushes students into 2L without passing the FYSLE. Often they just lose their tuition without getting a degree.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- NWCU LAW SCHOOL IS NO GOOD, 11/01/12, by thegambler.
- Re: NWCU LAW SCHOOL IS NO GOOD, 11/11/12, by NWCU Student.