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    Posted by Hardy Parkerson, J.D. on 8/08/13

    The late, great Mitch Franklin--affectionately known
    as "Mitch"--graduated law from Harvard and came to Tulane
    of Louisiana to teach law, for he loved Roman Law,
    Napoleonic Law, and Louisiana Civil Law. At Tulane he
    taught, among other things, Roman Law for many years.
    Here's an excerpt from one of his lectures:

    Mitch asks question, student answers.

    MITCH: Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Where did you do
    your undergraduate work?

    STUDENT 1: Princeton, Sir!

    MITCH: Oh, well! We might have expected!

    Mitch asks another question, student responds.

    MITCH: Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! And where did YOU
    do YOUR undergraduate work?

    Student 2: Cornell, Sir!

    MITCH: Oh, well! We might have expected!

    Mitch asks another question, student responds.

    MITCH: Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! And just where did
    you do your undergraduate work?

    Student 3: Harvard, Sr.!

    MITCH: Oh, well! I might have expected!

    Mitch asked another question, student responds.

    MITCH: Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! And where did you
    do your undergraduate work?

    Student 4: McNeese State College, Sir.

    MITCH: Umpf, umpf, umpf! Cough, cough, cough! (Raspy sound
    as Mitch clears his throat). Musssst...have...beeen...a...!

    s/Hardy Parkerson, J.D.; Tulane Law, Class of 1966

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  • THE LATE, GREAT MITCH FRANKLIN, 8/08/13, by Hardy Parkerson, J.D..

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