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    Post: Bar Exam Tutor CA, MD, DC, GA, NY, NJ, MEE and MPT

    Posted by Paul Wersant on 11/14/17

    Since 2002, I have offered an intensive, one-on-one bar
    tutorial course for the bar exam in CA, California, MD,
    Maryland, GA, Georgia, NY, New York, NJ, New Jersey and the
    MEE and MPT used in many other jurisdictions.

    The course focuses upon the essays/MPT for about 3 months,
    starting in November and ending about a week prior to the
    February bar, covering about one subject per week. This
    period allows for a careful and through review of all bar
    exam subjects and is twice the length of other courses.

    Each week I email a state-specific outline for a specific
    bar exam subject and former bar exam essay questions on
    that subject. The outlines specify the topics and issues
    for each subject actually tested on the bar from 1987 until
    now and details the frequency with which the topics and
    their issues have been tested. With this focused approach,
    you will always be studying the specific material to pass
    the bar, rather than learning the entire legal code. I also
    provide extensive instruction on the MPT, including an
    effective approach for addressing various types of MPTs,
    such as drafting legal documents, writing a memorandum or
    an opinion letter, for which I also provide former MPT

    The student reviews the materials, does the questions and
    returns the answers via email, for which I provide detailed
    diagnostic feedback via email, as well as additional
    questions as necessary to maximize exam performance. The
    online email format eliminates travel time and allows the
    student to do the homework at the time and place best
    suited for the student's study. This format enables a
    student to participate in the class at any time or
    location. This active learning approach ensures all bar
    material is covered and learned through actual practice. By
    the end of the class, a student will have done at least
    40-50 former essay questions and many MPT questions. I call
    during the course to see how the student is doing and to
    discuss specific issues they may be having.

    With this feedback-based method we can determine any
    weaknesses in your exam approach and eliminate them through
    this intensive training. Typically, my students work during
    the day and have families, so the longer term works well
    for them. I am at least as demanding than the examiners
    will probably be, so you are well-prepared by exam day.
    This class uses an active learning approach because you are
    always practicing bar exam skills, rather than just
    memorizing materials.

    I am a practicing attorney and experienced tutor who
    actually passed the bar in MD, DC, GA and FL and has
    successfully tutored many students for the bar, including
    repeaters, new students and attorneys in this and other
    jurisdictions, using this method and materials, which are
    updated to reflect new questions. I have also practiced
    many of the areas of law tested on the bar.

    I can and will help a student to maximize their performance
    and pass the bar.

    My prices are extremely reasonable, considering the
    personalized quality of the instruction, which is
    unavailable in larger commercial courses. This class is
    based upon diagnosing and fulfilling the needs of
    individual bar candidates.

    Further information can be found on my website:

    I look forward to working with you.



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  • Bar Exam Tutor CA, MD, DC, GA, NY, NJ, MEE and MPT, 11/14/17, by Paul Wersant.

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