Post: Recommended Reading
Posted by steve on 5/04/20
New York Lawyer by Stephen H. Kaprelian focuses on the
personal crisis faced by the author when he became
unemployed, along with thousands of other in-house lawyers,
during the LBO laden episode called “merger mania” of the
It also describes the author’s career, from small law firm
associate to staff attorney for a publicly held industrial
corporation to, finally, a one man legal practice,
providing a useful picture for anyone contemplating the
possibility of a legal career.
It also contains a case study of how a corporation that had
been in the middle of the Fortune 500 list of largest U.S.
corporations ultimately ended up in Chapter 11 bankruptcy
and, after successfully reorganizing, being taken over and
broken up, arguably as the result of misguided U. S.
Government policies.
The book can be found on Amazon Books, Kobo Books, Google
Play Books and (through Draft 2 Apple Books,
Barnes & Noble, Scribd and other book stores.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Recommended Reading, 5/04/20, by steve.