Post: It's complicated

Posted by Jane Doe on 1/05/13
My daughter-in-law abducted my grandson from our home and told the police she did this because we are drug users, which we are not, and she said the house was unsafe for the child. We have all lived here together for over 4 years. My grandson is almost 3 1/2. My husband and I are in our 60's and retired. My d-i-l just hates me because I caught her stealing drugs and hypodermic needles from her employer and using them in my house. I gave her a 2nd chance and told her if I ever caught her doing this again, I would throw her out, and without her son. I caught her again. She got scared and ran away with my grandson while no one was around. She went to the police and DCF, who came to our house to talk to us about the allegations. I've raised 4 children and they have never been in trouble, and neither have my husband and I. And I NEVER had the humiliation of DFC come to my home. I believe she had to make up something to avoid charges of criminal custodial interference after taking my grandson from my son. Can the police use this heresay statement from her as evidence to conduct a raid on our home? We're in nj. P.S. I went to the police in her employer's town and filed a report as to what she had done. The police did nothing except to go to her employer to tell him about the report and ask if he wanted to have her arrested. He declined. So I reported that to the DEA, because my understanding is that if a Doctor is aware of the theft of narcotics from his office he is compelled to report it to the DEA, that it's not up to his discretion. I reported it to the DEA so they can follow up.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- It's complicated, 1/05/13, by Jane Doe.
- Re: It's complicated, 1/11/13, by Pierre Quebodeaux, J.D..