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    Post: legal

    Posted by Keith Webb on 4/02/16

    There is currently a gate secured with barbed wire across a
    County road and a metal barrier across the entrance to our
    p roperty, erected by a neighbor. When we call local

    to complain, they say that these are not supposed to be the
    re. When we remove them ourselves, he puts them back up and
    lines them with barbed wire. Since becoming our neighbor se
    veral years ago, the same individual fenced in two County
    ro ads, took a County bridge apart and kept the wood for
    himsel f, sent his cousin (in his 30's) to assault my
    elderly dad a nd steal his truck, (dad later died due to
    complications for m this injury), fenced in and vandalized
    my parent's barn an d put his game birds in it, made a
    terroristic threat agains t an employee of my parents (and
    was charged but not prosecu ted), repeatedly destroyed my
    parents mail box, etc. (I coul d go on) but to sum it up,
    this individual has a gate across

    a County road and a fence across the entrance to our proper
    ty in an attempt to prevent our access. When I remove the
    fe nce, he puts it back up. When our disabled renter tried
    to r emove it, a deputy showed up and told him he would
    receive a

    felony charge if he did. We have spent thousands in State
    District Court. We have a judgment preventing the

    from doing the above activities. He continues to do them.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • legal, 4/02/16, by Keith Webb.

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