Post: toxic mold

Posted by Tori Mcdivitt on 8/03/16
I have given my landlord notice after notice about mold in my apartment. I had a water leak he didn't fix for over 4 years until 8 weeks ago. He refuses to do anything about the mold. He fixed the leak and tiled the shower stating there wasn't any mold! I took pictures of the mold inside the walls when he went to lunch! I have been sick because of the mold. Now my son was just diagnosed with Graves Disease and I believe it's due to the mold. Since I gave the landlord a 5 day notice, he is now trying to give me a 30 day notice to vacate. I have lived here 18 years. I finally filed a lawsuit against my landlord on Friday. I can't afford to pay an attorney up front. Is there a list of qualified attorneys that are willing to take my case and allow things to be settled after? There are several more issues involved. He is a slumlord and doesn't do much the right way. I need help but don't know how to get it without money. I am current on my rent.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- toxic mold, 8/03/16, by Tori Mcdivitt.