Post: domestic disorderly

Posted by Robert M Stewart on 10/05/16
Hello my name is Rob, about 20 years ago I had been going th rough a divorce with my now ex-wife I was trying to fix our relationship so I stopped by trying to rekindle the marriage and while talking through the door she went to close the do or, I grabbed her arm. She called the cops and I ended up wi th a domestic disorderly conduct. Since that time I have not had any incidents with her. I went to court paid the fine, two years later tried to buy a gun and could not. My ex-wife wrote a letter saying I am not a threat and that I am a hun ter and sportsman. I have the letters she wrote and talk to her often. I want to have my right to get a conceal and carr y permit license and also have my rights restored for the se cond amendment. I hunt and I am an upstanding US citizen liv ing in Wisconsin. I am not a criminal and need to know what has to be done to have this restored. Any help is greatly ap preciated. Thank you. Rob
Posts on this thread, including this one
- domestic disorderly, 10/05/16, by Robert M Stewart.