Post: Parole misconduct

Posted by george brumley on 8/07/17
Parole officer moved my score from like a 10 to a fifty for a test of sorts with questions like how many displenaries i ever had in prison , how many times have i been to jail before age of 18 and alot of other questions she told me before hand she knew anserws for if i said i wasnt sure she said that bumbed my score through the roof it take 60 points to go back to prison nkw she made my score 50 or 55 is that test legal i neen on parole 3 years no othertime has any other parole officer did this now she put me on every week with all kinds of meetings on max supervision ready to violate me i feel hopeless
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Parole misconduct, 8/07/17, by george brumley.