Post: child support judgement

Posted by lisa bowman on 1/18/13
I have a judgement through the NYS child support enforcement bureau forover $60,000.00. My ex husband is due to recieve an inheritence of $200,000. He has liver damage due to drugging/drinking and receives disability. He is trying to have his inheritence put in s "disabled trust for 2 reasons: He wants to keep collecting his disability payments and he wants to keep from paying his child support judgement. If he does put the inheritence in a disabilty trust, will he he not have to pay the child support judgement? Besides the judgement that is filed and in the hands of the estate's attorney and the executor, is there anything else I should do to protect myslef and assure that I receive my child support arreaers? Also, although I started the action in NYS, where we both lived and were married and where I raised my kids we have both relocated ( seperately) to florida, bit I assume this is still a NYS issue. Thanks is advance for some legal advice.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- child support judgement, 1/18/13, by lisa bowman.