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    Post: Wrongfully convicted

    Posted by Gary Ellison on 8/15/18

    I am Gary Ellison, a black inmate in Illinois wrongly convicted of m
    ted of murder. I was framed and I have obtained seemingly unusable p
    usable proof of this. There is a brief laying out the following fact
    ing facts in detail (including documents).
    In 2001 my father and I visited a restaurant outside of Chicago. Wh
    ago. When entering I noticed a wallet on the sidewalk and my father
    father grabbed it. I never possessed it nor saw what was inside. M
    side. My father is an addict and has been convicted of identity the
    ity theft, including my own identity.
    Days later my father brought a car to me and asked me for money to
    ney to borrow it. Although an addict it was not unusual for him to
    him to have a car. This car, however, belonged to the owner of the
    of the wallet. I did not know.
    My father was then taped using the victim's ATM card. Shortly the
    y thereafter the victim's body (Robert Pierce, a white man) was f
    was found duct taped in a river. My father became a suspect becau
    because of his use of the ATM card. But he refused to confess and
    s and the state police had no evidence otherwise. They followed u
    wed up on the victim's car and sought me out. I was told that I w
    t I was not a suspect but they wanted me to lie that I saw my fat
    y father enter the victim's house. I refused.
    I was repeatedly arrested and "interrogated". The police became
    ame enraged. I was told if I didnt cooperate they would convict
    ict ME of the crime as punishment. Still I didn't cooperate.
    The police then arranged for me to unwittingly come into posses
    session of multiple machine guns. I was forced to go to prison.
    on. Either prior to or after my imprisonment a detective contac
    tacted IDOC director Brad Curie and arranged for an informant t
    t to interrogate me. The informant, Tommie Armstrong, was a hom
    homosexual and I avoided him at all costs. IDOC therefore arran
    ranged for a segregation tier to be emptied and I was forced in
    into a cell with Armstrong.

    The police had this cell under electronic surveillance. Armst
    trong attempted to lure me into homosexual activity (as a way
    y for the police to gain leverage over me I believe) but I re
    efused. He then attempted to question me indirectly and when
    this failed he told me that he heard my friends say that I m
    murdered someone. I told him flat out that I had no involveme
    ent in any murder and that I knew nothing about a murder. I b
    became suspicious. I searched the cell and found a bud shaped
    d microphone.
    I was immediately taken out the cell and to another cell. I
    was then handcuffed to the floor spread eagle. For days I wa
    s tortured—kicked, punched, suffocated, not allowed to sleep, not
    , not allowed to use the bathroom for long stretches, not given f
    ven food or water (only coffee) while being told this treatment w
    ent would stop if I confessed to the murder or implicated my fath
    father. I refused.
    Later, the informant Armstrong was taken to the grand jury. He t
    He told them that I confessed to throwing the victim's body in a
    in a river. He repeated this at my trial. The lead detective tes
    testified he made recordings of me in prison which prove my gui
    guilt. Neither these recordings nor the court orders authorizin
    izing surveillance were disclosed. When discussing the informant
    mant who participated in the recordings, Armstrong, the state re
    e referred to as a "confidential informant" even though Armstron
    trong took the stand and testified in open court. Also, my fathe
    ather testified falsely that I said I killed someone.
    My lawyer mounted no defense saying the witnesses were not cred
    redible and there was no evidence. I was convicted. I appealed
    ed arguing that the undisclosed recordings prove the detective
    ve and Armstrong's testimony false. The appellate court called
    ed the case circumstancial and denied my appeal, stating there
    re was no evidence showing that the informant on the tapes was
    as witness Armstrong.

    For years, I've tried to obtain the tapes to prove that the
    detective lied and had the witnesses fabricate testimony. Al
    though I was able to get the courts orders and other related
    documents the state refuses to release the tapes. I sued pu
    rsuant to the Freedom of Information Act and the lead prosec
    utor submitted an affidavit that states the tapes were blank
    and "of no evidentiary value"—contradicting his own witness'
    ' testimony. This is a second, more specific report on the ta
    Here's my problem: I CANNOT GET A HARING ON THIS ISSUE. Each
    time I file a petition including this and other similar evi
    Once, being pro se, I amended a petition to replace the cour
    t orders, police affidavits and a previous FOI response that
    the tapes are blank. The judge allowed the state to not res
    pond to the petition's allegation, that the state presented
    false testimony, dismissed the case and when I went to appea
    l—the documents were again missing from the common law record
    d! Appeal dismissed on procedural grounds.
    Clearly someone(s) are working to keep an open-and-shut issue f
    e from ever being ruled on because it may expose the prison int
    interrogation. I understand that exculpatory, material evidence
    nce was withheld but how do I secure a hearing under these circ
    ircumstances? What do I do? Can anyone help?
    Plz, plz, plz review the brief and evidence attached.
    Email me at Garricofellison@gmail or write me directly at Ell
    lison, K81210, PO Box 1000, Menard, IL. 62259

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  • Wrongfully convicted, 8/15/18, by Gary Ellison.

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