Post: Custody case

Posted by Shelby on 1/26/13
In Alabama is an attorney allowed to quit representing you in a child custody case before the final decision, without filing a motion to remove himself from the case??? The opposing attorney's paralegal was stepmother to the child. The paralegal did all the filing of motions and kept the case going for nonsense reasons long after if should have ended. In fact, the judge gave custody to the mother (us) and the opposing attorneys office would not after 4 months of waiting sign the custody agreement, then filed another motion to bring it back to court. Our attorney refused to go back to court without more money, which we did not have. The paralegal (stepmother) could have kept this in court indefintely because their side had no legal fees. She did all the work and used every form of deception! Very unethical to me but I could get no one to tell me what to do about that! My daughter was terrified to go to the last hearing without representation which angered the judge and he gave custody to the father. Is the judges decision fair or would it stand since our attorney never filed a motion to remove himself from the case??
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Custody case, 1/26/13, by Shelby.