Post: Misconduct Of An Officer
Posted by Michael on 4/02/13
I was arrested for a bench warrant the officer entered my residence with tazer & guns pointed at me. I was booked & given a new court date then released within 10 mins. The arresting officer that same day gave my brother copies of my mugshots that same day. Which my brother sent to all my family members, family friends and posted them online. The same officer disclosed all info regarding my case. I guess the officer felt maybe obligated to my brother since he purchased a knine police dog forthe officer to use while on duty prior to all this. A family member of mine volunteers for that police dept. & reported him to his supervisor. Which he was written up by his Srgt. & is now in his file. The Srgt. also wrote up a document to my brother that he had to destroy all pics of my mugshot, stop distributing then & take any that he had posted online. Tbe Srgt. was going to deliver the document to my brother to sign & that if he violates the agreement action will be taken against him. I was informed that it was illegal for the aressting officer to do that. I was charged with possession and now when I have to appear in court can I have the charge thrown out due to this??????????
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Misconduct Of An Officer , 4/02/13, by Michael.