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    Post: Appearance Hearing received for 8y/o Theft Prop by Check?

    Posted by Stacy on 4/29/13

    I am in Texas and just received an Appearance Hearing
    notice for Theft Prop>=$20<$500 By Check. Funny part is it
    is supposedly for a check from 12/31/2005!?! I know there
    is a 2 year statute of limitations on misdemenor check
    charges and I show that they have that part covered since I
    show under Other Events and Hearings a date of 08/17/2006
    (information (OCA). Statute shown for this charge is 31.03
    (E)(2)(All)PC, level Class B Misdemeanor. Can someone
    explain what everything in parenthesis after 31.03 covers?
    Also, correct me if I am wrong but doesn't the Statute of
    Limitations exist so that we do not have to answer for
    something YEARS after the fact? And if they did in fact
    file this within the time frame, notice was sent for a
    court date (no matter if I received it or not), and a
    hearing was in fact held then why was a warrant not issued
    for me on the charge when I did not show up for court? Any
    assistance or help with this will be greatly appreciated!!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Appearance Hearing received for 8y/o Theft Prop by Check?, 4/29/13, by Stacy.

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