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    Post: Shoplifting

    Posted by Lil on 6/20/13

    I saw a post you wrote online and I was wondering if I
    could ask you a question. I was caught on my way out of
    Rite Aid for some merchandise totaling $20.99. The guy who
    brought me in the back took my ID info and social and I
    signed a external loss incident report as well as a promise
    not to return for three years. He said I may or may not
    get a civil demand which I need to pay otherwise can be
    taken to collections and marked as 'theft'. No police were
    called and those were the only two documents involved (plus
    my photo and copy of DL). I asked him if I would have to
    go to court and he said that he saved me the trouble and
    that I can remain in school etc. I still cannot believe I
    would be this stupid. I once had a diversion when I was a
    minor, so I don't know if that still shows up in some
    database. I am so worried and ashamed, and although he said
    I wouldn't have to go to court, I am still wondering if a
    summons may show up? Do you have any insight into this

    I am about to start nursing school and this was about the
    dumbest thing I could have done. Now I can't even sleep at
    night. I would appreciate any advice.

    Thank you,

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Shoplifting, 6/20/13, by Lil.

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