Post: wife got police to make me leave married property
Posted by christina cimino on 6/23/13
Been living in apartment since March wife been in mental crisis past week. we got married 5/5/13 in iowa (same sex) i give her all money to put towaards rent just gave her $150 thursday. She said verbally wensday i got 30-60 days to find my own place to live. yesterday i was at libary most of day had no arguement with wife. i come home she appears home with cop and he made me leave my home. i wasnt charged with anything its our married home... was told if i was straight and in regular marriage i wouldnt of had to leave my mail and property in house. would like to go home. need to know rights
Posts on this thread, including this one
- wife got police to make me leave married property, 6/23/13, by christina cimino.