Re: child custody
Posted by JAYME, LOWE0317JN@ACCESS-K12.ORG, on 3/04/02
hi my name is jayme. a couple of years back me and my little borther were molested by my little brothers father. he knew the court jiudge and ended up turning the case into a custody battle and now he has custody of my little brother and got off scott free. i thing the system if screwed up these days! MY ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION IS I DON'T THINK THERE SHOULD EVER EVEN BE A THOUGHT TO GIBING A BABY OR ANY CHILD TO ANYONE EVEN SUSPECTED FOR SOMETHING LIKE THAT!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- child custody, 10/24/01, by sonia sanchez.
- Re: child custody, 3/04/02, by JAYME.