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    Posted by Elizabeth Grubb,, on 5/19/02

    On 09/19/01, Elizabeth Grubb wrote:
    I had broke my little left toe out in the garage, it was my
    off day from work. When i went back to work i went on light
    duty. a month & half went by i still wasn't better. I ended
    up going to a foot and ankle special. He still put me out of
    work due to that i couldn't wear steel toes shoes yet. I
    ended up goin into short term disability run out of time. I
    went back to work on the 3 day it was a Sunday a very busy
    day. I hadn't even had lunch it was around 12:30 I sprain my
    left ankle. My supervisor didn't belive me until we wnt to
    the ER. Ever since that day i have had nerve problem that now
    runs up my leg more in the back. I can't stand no longer than
    4 hours on my leg without it starts hurting and also depend
    on what I'm doing it will also swell. I have asked my case
    worker if I could get an exam done on both my foot and ankle
    and they refuse. Well the ankle and foot specialist did all
    they could. So He referral me to Houston clinic which also
    does workmans comp. for my employer. He even try to get my
    case worker to let me yhave an exam on both injury. She said
    no. After 3 visit and still can't wear steel toe shoes and
    still having pa8in that is now getting worse and all this
    time i'm paying out of my pocket for all of this Dr. York
    come in and state I can't no longer treat you due to the your
    injury6 at work that where the pain an all the rest of your
    problems coming from. well workmans comp. won't treat me now,
    My employer has supending me without a letter they had harass
    me so bad that i went 9in depression before I had got
    suspended. It has been a month and 3 weeks i haven';t heard
    from my compqany. I don't hae Insurace now and the pa8in is
    so bad I will cry just about the whole night. I have seen one
    lawyer but the company I worik for owens Georgia just about.
    I feel that I wasn't treat fair due to being put back on full
    duty and the worker comp Dr. would say there werenothing
    wrong with me. So if there weren't nothing wrong with me why
    would it get so bad that I couldn't walk. Please help I just
    want to get better and keep my job.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • WORKMANS COMP./DO I HAVE A CASE?, 5/16/02, by Crystal Johnson.
  • Re: WORKMANS COMP./DO I HAVE A CASE?, 5/19/02, by Elizabeth Grubb.

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