Re: Left hand
Posted by dave cue,, on 6/24/02
On 6/22/02, Dave Cue wrote: > In 1994 I was at work and I was injured at work and as a > result my left hand was crushed and I had to have meyal > plates and screws put in it to hold it together at the time > of the surgery the doctor stated that in several yeards the > olate may have to come out so I wited and now I am losing > the feeling in my fingers my latest evaluations from my > doctor shows 00 reading for nerves and states that nothing > can be done as the hand could go worse if they do anything > with it so it as as good as it can be so therefore this is > a permanent injury and workmans comp has not done anything > on settling with me other than paying the doctor bills and > my weekly comp checks. I feel that I should be entitled to > some type of lump sum settlement or disabilty as i lost > probably 60&37; of my strength or more and have only about 30&37; > use of it. What grounds do I have for settlement? Thank You > Dave Cue
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Left hand, 6/22/02, by Dave Cue.
- Re: Left hand, 6/24/02, by dave cue.