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    Post: Foot & Ankle Injury

    Posted by Pat Johannes,, on 6/26/02

    I injured my foot at work just by walking faster then I
    usually do while helping a customer. I work in Bakery Sales.
    I told several people I work with, what happened, but I
    never had a injury report written. Over a six week period
    my foot was so swollen I had a hard time getting my shoe
    on. So I seen a Podiatrist and she ex-rayed my foot and
    found it broken. I had a walking cast put on and sent back
    to work with restrictions. One of which I was not to walk
    or stand for long periods of time. I asked for a stool, but
    was told there was none. Now I can't work for 2 months
    because my foot did not heal. Workmens comp don't believe I
    broke my foot at work and don't want to pay me anything.
    Can workmens comp get away with not paying me anything if
    it is my employers fault that my foot wouldn't heal because
    of standing for 8 hours. Thank you for your time. Pat

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Foot & Ankle Injury, 6/26/02, by Pat Johannes.
  • Re: Foot & Ankle Injury, 8/01/02, by bumber.

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