Re: car repossesion in ohio
Posted by Dipsht on 1/23/06
On 8/05/02, shirley lapp wrote: is this legal or is this against the law > to do a repo on sunday, and showing me the paper work would > be an invasion of privacy. shirley lapp in ohio Heck no it isn't. They don't abide by the laws of our Lord. They will take whatever they can get on anyday of the week. Thank goodness you didn't leave anything else of value out in the yard, they would have stolen that as well.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- car repossesion in ohio, 8/05/02, by shirley lapp .
- Re: car repossesion in ohio, 9/08/02, by roosta.
- Re: car repossesion in ohio, 1/23/06, by Dipsht.