Re: CA Voluntary Respossesion Laws
Posted by subjective, although i am not positive on cal laws this is the same in many states the market value is determend by many things and condition of said vehicle is rated in a very good,good,fair,and poor condition catagory not what you yhink it is worth or what book value says it is what someone is willing to pay for it! it was more than likely sold at auction and by that sale that would in it self determine market value but you are correct in that they were suposed to notify you of the date of the inpending sale i hope this helps you ? why did you not sell it if you new that it was goig to have to be repoed hummmmmmmm could'nt get fair market value!!!!!!!!!!!!!, on 8/24/02
On 8/05/02, Marcene Mires wrote: > We recently voluntarily gave up our new Motorhome due to my > becoming 100&37; disabled. We could no longer make the > payments. We were led to believe that under CA law the > lender had to notify us as to where and when it would be > auctioned, and also they were required to obtain a fair and > marketable value on the sale. Neither was done in our > case. > We need to obtain the CA laws pertaining to this issue in > order to protect ourselves from any further repercussions > and/or retain an attorney. Thank you.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- CA Voluntary Respossesion Laws, 8/05/02, by Marcene Mires.
- Re: CA Voluntary Respossesion Laws, 8/24/02, by subjective.
- Re: CA Voluntary Respossesion Laws, 9/08/02, by roosta.