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    Re: Looking for information on in loco parentis

    Posted by Judith Weaver,, on 10/03/01

    I am in a similiar situation, in PA also, and was wondering
    if you gat any responses. My situation, involves much more
    as I am a grandparent with legal custody but in PA
    grandparents do not have rights. "Dad" is fighting adoption
    now on this subject and I am scared. He has only been around
    for the last year out of 5 but the courts still lean his
    way. I would appreciate any info you found on the in loco
    parentis rules. Thanks

    On 2/02/01, Beth wrote:
    > I have a situation here where 11 years ago, I gave birth to
    > a little girl with Down's Syndrome. My boyfriend at the
    > time (now my ex-husband) was thought to be her father, but
    > through HLA blood testing we found out otherwise. He has
    > always acted as her daddy and we have never contacted her
    > biological father. She knows only my ex as her dad and has
    > never met or heard of another man being her father. I have
    > since filed a child support petition through Domestic
    > Relations and our case has been labeled as "Complex" and we
    > will be going to court. The attorney who is handling my
    > case is going with the "in loco parentis" fight, saying
    > even after finding out 7 years ago that our daughter wasn't
    > biologically his, he still held himself to be daddy and
    > never disclosed the information of her true paternity to
    > even his family. His attorney is denying that. To this
    > day, he still gets her every other weekend and doesn't
    > treat her any differently than he did the day she was
    > born. Anyway, I have been going crazy trying to research
    > cases similar to mine on the internet and have hit a wall.
    > Does anyone know of any web-sites that I can visit that
    > will give me some in-depth information on "step-parents and
    > child support" or "in loco parentis". I have already
    > looked in the Domestic Relations web site and they didn't
    > really have anything new to say. Pennsylvania cases and
    > law would be great but I will look at anything at this
    > point just to gain more knowledge. Thanks

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Looking for information on " in loco parentis", 2/02/01, by Beth.
  • Re: Looking for information on in loco parentis, 10/03/01, by Judith Weaver.
  • Re: Looking for information on in loco parentis, 12/11/01, by Joe Grossman.
  • Re: Looking for information on in loco parentis, 9/02/03, by kathy N..

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