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    Post: Looking for information on " in loco parentis"

    Posted by Beth,, on 2/02/01

    I have a situation here where 11 years ago, I gave birth to
    a little girl with Down's Syndrome. My boyfriend at the
    time (now my ex-husband) was thought to be her father, but
    through HLA blood testing we found out otherwise. He has
    always acted as her daddy and we have never contacted her
    biological father. She knows only my ex as her dad and has
    never met or heard of another man being her father. I have
    since filed a child support petition through Domestic
    Relations and our case has been labeled as "Complex" and we
    will be going to court. The attorney who is handling my
    case is going with the "in loco parentis" fight, saying
    even after finding out 7 years ago that our daughter wasn't
    biologically his, he still held himself to be daddy and
    never disclosed the information of her true paternity to
    even his family. His attorney is denying that. To this
    day, he still gets her every other weekend and doesn't
    treat her any differently than he did the day she was
    born. Anyway, I have been going crazy trying to research
    cases similar to mine on the internet and have hit a wall.
    Does anyone know of any web-sites that I can visit that
    will give me some in-depth information on "step-parents and
    child support" or "in loco parentis". I have already
    looked in the Domestic Relations web site and they didn't
    really have anything new to say. Pennsylvania cases and
    law would be great but I will look at anything at this
    point just to gain more knowledge. Thanks

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Looking for information on " in loco parentis", 2/02/01, by Beth.
  • Re: Looking for information on in loco parentis, 10/03/01, by Judith Weaver.
  • Re: Looking for information on in loco parentis, 12/11/01, by Joe Grossman.
  • Re: Looking for information on in loco parentis, 9/02/03, by kathy N..

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