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    Re: Looking for information on in loco parentis

    Posted by kathy N. on 9/02/03

    I am a maernal Aunt to a girl , age 8, in April a Pa Judge took
    this child from a custodial Grandmother and sent her to live with
    a PATERNAL AUNT in Philly. SHe had until that point been living
    with her mother & grandmother, her mother asked the courts to
    allow her grandmother to have custidy because of poor health and
    the biological father is a drug addict. THe Paterntal Aunt sued
    for custody and after waiting all day in the courthouse, this
    judge spent like 20 minutes to hear a case and decide child
    should be removed. He later notiied us that he made an error and
    that the Aunt had no standing in that courtroom. To this day we
    do not have the child back because we had filed an appeal with
    Superior Court and they have to release jurisdiction over the
    case before it canbe remanded back to Commom Pleas Court...this
    Aunt had no loco parentis and yet a judge ruked she did and even
    though he admits his error, the child cannot be returned home. In
    the meantime the grandmother gets bi-weekly visits and has no
    contact as this PAternal Aunt doesnot allow it and makes things
    very difficult. We have a good lawyer but we are getting nowhere,
    anyone have any suggestions? thanks

    On 12/11/01, Joe Grossman wrote:
    > I am presently a student in high school, I truned 18 this
    > summer. In my school they require students the have their
    > parents sign a paper saying that they can sign their own
    > permission slips and otehr documents. I Thoght abou it an i
    > decided that that doesn't seem to be right, or legal. i did
    > soem research and it didn't say anything about schools being
    > able to do that. I went to the principle and told him my veiw
    > and showes him my research. He Sadi that he had the right to do
    > what he did becasue of In Loco Parnetis. I researched it and it
    > showed nothing that sadi he could do this. I went to him and he
    > just ran around in circles explainign junk. I have not been
    > able to find anything that can spicificly disprove him. I am
    > looking for help. If anyone knows about this please let me kwno
    > i woudl greatly appriceaete it. Thanks.
    > On 10/03/01, Judith Weaver wrote:
    >> I am in a similiar situation, in PA also, and was wondering
    >> if you gat any responses. My situation, involves much more
    >> as I am a grandparent with legal custody but in PA
    >> grandparents do not have rights. "Dad" is fighting adoption
    >> now on this subject and I am scared. He has only been around
    >> for the last year out of 5 but the courts still lean his
    >> way. I would appreciate any info you found on the in loco
    >> parentis rules. Thanks
    >> On 2/02/01, Beth wrote:
    >>> I have a situation here where 11 years ago, I gave birth to
    >>> a little girl with Down's Syndrome. My boyfriend at the
    >>> time (now my ex-husband) was thought to be her father, but
    >>> through HLA blood testing we found out otherwise. He has
    >>> always acted as her daddy and we have never contacted her
    >>> biological father. She knows only my ex as her dad and has
    >>> never met or heard of another man being her father. I have
    >>> since filed a child support petition through Domestic
    >>> Relations and our case has been labeled as "Complex" and we
    >>> will be going to court. The attorney who is handling my
    >>> case is going with the "in loco parentis" fight, saying
    >>> even after finding out 7 years ago that our daughter wasn't
    >>> biologically his, he still held himself to be daddy and
    >>> never disclosed the information of her true paternity to
    >>> even his family. His attorney is denying that. To this
    >>> day, he still gets her every other weekend and doesn't
    >>> treat her any differently than he did the day she was
    >>> born. Anyway, I have been going crazy trying to research
    >>> cases similar to mine on the internet and have hit a wall.
    >>> Does anyone know of any web-sites that I can visit that
    >>> will give me some in-depth information on "step-parents and
    >>> child support" or "in loco parentis". I have already
    >>> looked in the Domestic Relations web site and they didn't
    >>> really have anything new to say. Pennsylvania cases and
    >>> law would be great but I will look at anything at this
    >>> point just to gain more knowledge. Thanks

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Looking for information on " in loco parentis", 2/02/01, by Beth.
  • Re: Looking for information on in loco parentis, 10/03/01, by Judith Weaver.
  • Re: Looking for information on in loco parentis, 12/11/01, by Joe Grossman.
  • Re: Looking for information on in loco parentis, 9/02/03, by kathy N..

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