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    Post: Legally valid paper trail without the paper

    Posted by Jo Fletcher on 12/02/02

    ArticSoft empowers businesses to create a legally
    valid "paper trail" – without the paper

    As globalization drives a shift towards paperless
    transactions, businesses employing communications
    technologies increasingly have to know: Has a digital
    document been signed? Who signed it, when, and in which
    order? Who could access the document? Have they signed it
    or copies of it? Has it been altered at any stage, and were
    the alterations agreed? Can signatories be held legally
    accountable on the strength of the digital document? Can we
    prove we have met regulations for privacy?

    ArticSoft has the answer.

    Steve Mathews, CEO, ArticSoft today unveiled
    ContentAssurity, a complete content protection package that
    allows users to digitally sign and authenticate a piece of
    information in a document, spreadsheet or email, protect
    the confidentially of their text and choose the people who
    can view it, irrespective of the application it has been
    developed in.

    ContentAssurity empowers users to create a legally
    valid "paper trail" – without the paper. Multiple users can
    sign the same text or just some portions of the text. The
    date and time of each signature is recorded, as are the
    people for whom it was protected, so that a full audit
    trail is available to each recipient. A key benefit for
    business is that the content is verified at each step. Any
    attempt to alter protected messages is detected
    automatically and the user is notified. Documents and
    messages protected by ContentAssurity comply with rules in
    the European Digital Signature regulations, and therefore
    can have a legal standing.

    Mathews emphasized, "ContentAssurity has been designed to
    be application independent. It is therefore immune to the
    security weaknesses of the applications used to create and
    transmit the content. It also means that there are no
    integration problems, no update incompatibilities, and
    senders and recipients don't have to run the same

    Extensive testing has confirmed that ContentAssurity works
    at two levels – protecting the content and allowing the
    sender to control access to information. ContentAssurity
    lets the users protect and send all or parts of text in a
    message / document using the same or different keys. The
    same content can be sent to many people but individuals
    will access / view only the specific parts relevant to

    These functionalities make ContentAssurity an application
    of choice for businesses that need security with
    flexibility, without the bother of having to decipher
    incomprehensible technology.

    ContentAssurity can be purchased for $39. Free reader
    software (for recipients to unprotect and verify content)
    is available for download from the ArticSoft web site so
    that anyone can receive protected content at no charge.

    More information on ContentAssurity, a free trial and the
    free reader can be found at:

    About ArticSoft
    ArticSoft has one goal... providing low cost, high quality,
    easy to use security software for everyone. ArticSoft
    products are designed for business users, not
    technologists. The ArticSoft team has over 30 years
    experience in the field of computer security, and 15 years
    experience of securing information on personal computers
    and messaging systems. Steve Mathews, is one of the authors
    of BS7799 (now ISO/IEC 17799) and is well recognized in the
    security industry.

    ContentAssurity - more information and free trial

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Legally valid paper trail without the paper, 12/02/02, by Jo Fletcher.

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