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    Post: Digital Millineum Copywrite Act

    Posted by webmaster on 9/14/00

    Two friends of mine created a website, It made a little
    money, then they both lost interest and the site was
    generating no money at all. They were paying the hosting
    co. about $130 quarterly. I inquired as to how the business
    was going because I helped write the ad copy and supplied a
    couple of pictures that they used.

    I was told that the site generated zero and that they were
    going to let the site close. I asked if they would let me
    have the site as I market In a more persistant manner and I
    knew with a few revisions I could make the site successful.

    Please remember these guys are my best friends (3yrs) at
    this time.

    They agreed to let me take over the site (we had a verbal
    agreement which was heard by other friends as well)

    The agreement was at first to just "give" me the site and I
    take over all operations (and pay the hosting co $130 for
    the next quarter)

    One of the parties then said "I have too much work into
    this to just give it away". I said OK how about a
    percentage of what the site makes after all maintenance
    fees are paid (Hosting, Billing, Advertising etc.)
    They agreed and said they wanted 50% of the sites profits
    or 25% each. I said "no" then and that they were asking too
    much for 1/2 the profits on the site.

    A few days later they agreed verbally to take 12.5% each.
    I said ok to 12.5% until it reached an amount of $5,000
    each. or $5,000 per 12.5% and I would not be liable to pay
    this $5,000 if the site never made it and I could close the
    site down if I wanted to without any penalties.

    This was all verbally agreed to amongst friends. One of
    these friends said ok but lets market it together one last
    time to see if has any "juice" left in it. I said ok
    because I have various forms of marketing and am very
    skilled in the field of internet marketing plus I wanted
    to "try" a few things to see if I would get a good response.

    We marketed the site and I gave specific instructions on
    how to do "one" particular form of marketing to the one
    friend who wanted to see if it had any "juice" left
    He marketed the way I told him to and I marketed in more
    Advanced ways. The site had a great response and made close
    to $1200.00 in one week. My friend we will call "juiceman"
    was astounded! He wanted to know how "I" was marketing the
    site and I told him it is a "secret" method that I thought
    of. He wanted to know "exactly" what I was doing, I told
    him I could not tell him everything but would tell him a
    good part of it after we switched the site to my name.

    "juiceman" then said he does not wish to give up the site
    and talked the other friend into jumping in and re-working
    the site. Needless to say I never devulged my Advanced
    forms of marketing and was now totally left out! They also
    decided not to communicate with me anymore because I
    wouldnt divulge my "Secret marketing strategies".

    I said well ok then, If they want to be this way and since
    I am a webmaster myself, I will build my own site! I Knew
    already it would be successful because I had "tested" the
    waters. I registered a domain and built a site very similar
    to theirs and had it fully operational within 3 days
    (billing for checks and credit cards set up too)

    They find this site and get mad at me. Very mad. They then
    start to say that I have infringed on copywrited material.
    The site never had a copywrite on it until they decided
    that I was a "bad guy" for never divulging my marketing
    secrets (Plus they knew I was making some big money)

    I never used there logos I built my own (and they look
    nothing alike) I used the ad copy, but refined it and
    changed it enough so it wouldnt be the same also remember I
    helped to initially write it. I am using the same concept
    and selling the same information. I am not infringing on
    the concept or the information because it is all public
    domain. In other words you can get this information off the
    internet in newsgroups (if you know where to look)

    Now they or mainly "juiceman" has tried these following
    steps to put me out of business:

    *False Complaint to AOL which resulted in the interuption
    of my service for 2 days.

    *Spamming my new URL,trying to get me booted from the host.
    (I have notified them of this and have not lost service)

    *"juiceman" has called other members of my family
    (aunts,uncles,brother) and has been saying things of
    concerning nature to them.

    *sent an affidavit to my billing Co. Saying that I have
    copywrite infringed material on my site. This has resulted
    in a 10-day suspension of billing services until the matter
    is cleared.(So right now my site is up but no one can order)

    * The "juiceman" has now threatened me with bodily harm and
    vows to close all my internet businesses down.he has also
    installed "TM" and "©" all over his site and threatened to
    sue me as well as a few "hang-up" phone calls.

    * "juiceman" has also called my state child welfare board
    or child services and reported my wife(CSM for national
    grocery chain)and myself(contractor/webmaster) as abusive
    parents. We have a seven month old daughter that is our
    world If you saw her you would fall in love-she is that

    * The "juiceman" might have made a horrible mistake on his
    harrassment today. He sent a certified Cease and desist
    order to me today but at the top of the "supposed order" he
    said that he has retained the services of "he wrote a major
    law firm name" I immediately called the law firm and asked
    them why? if they were retained by "juiceman", would they
    let him send me a certified letter? They where Quick to
    ask "how" they were referenced in the certified sent letter
    and what the "juicemans" name was. The secretary then
    informed the managing partner of the firm and they have
    absolutely no record of the "juiceman" anywhere. They ask
    that I copy the letter and the envelope It arrived in and
    send it to them immediately (they said they will reinburse
    me for time and postage as well) They are NOT happy being
    used as a scare tactic towards anyone (me).

    I have never threatened, called or said anything to provoke
    this individual "juiceman".

    In section (3) of the Digital Millineum Copywrite Act
    states the following:

    ''(ii) Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to
    have been infringed,
    or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site
    are covered by a
    single notification, a representative list of such works at
    that site.
    ''(iii) Identification of the material that is claimed to
    be infringing or to
    be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be
    removed or access to
    which is to be disabled, and information reasonably
    sufficient to permit the
    service provider to locate the material

    I figure I can afford the 10 waiting period, But he claims
    he can still shut me down. There is absolutely nothing on
    my site that can be classified as "infringement"

    I am not a wealthy man in monetary means but filthy rich in
    the fact that I have the best wife and daughter in the
    world. I am 6'2" and weigh 235 pounds I am not physically
    afraid of anyone but my wife(humor).

    I beleive I have conducted myself in a manner that is
    correct but my patience is being tried.

    If after reading this "tale of true life" you can offer me
    assistance or perhaps know of someone who can. Please
    direct them to my email.

    Thank you for your time,

    ***The "juiceman" in no way refers to the guy selling juice
    extraction machines on T.V

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  • Digital Millineum Copywrite Act , 9/14/00, by webmaster.

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