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    Post: HUMANA Origins and Biggest Fruads

    Posted by They Forgot to Kill Me First on 7/09/09

    The Organization known as HUMANA began as a group of
    bongo banging, Che Beret wearing, beatniks, pushing
    for popularizing Heroin usage with marijuana. They
    later became the closeted members of the Gay Liberation
    Army Against Democracy. Yhey were best known for
    bombing recruiting stations and induction centers
    4 years before Kennedy's escalation of Viet Nam

    The biggest scam run by HUMANA is to commit malpractice
    and then cuase the death of the victim. They collect
    as much of the victim's insurance as possible and
    (In the case of military retirees); they collect the
    retirement pensions electronicly by filing garnisments
    against the dead victim while preventing the report of
    the pensioner's death to Uncle Sam.(Something copied
    from someone still sitting in Leavenworth.)

    So watch your backs civil servents.

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  • HUMANA Origins and Biggest Fruads, 7/09/09, by They Forgot to Kill Me First.

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