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    Post: Latest From USN BuMed about HUMANA

    Posted by Mr TTY Guy on 7/15/09

    BuMed's Chief in DC just barely turned down
    a Marine's Request to have a Rwandan Witch Doctor
    for his Medical Care Coordinator rather than the
    one's HUMANA is using around military bases.

    They even considered the cost for the marine to
    fly to Rwanda to find a witch doctor.

    The following items were in the marine's justification:

    1. 25 percent of HUMANA's personnel have no experience
    before 2000 other than abortion clinics or food service
    in retirement homes and hospices.

    2. 50% of "Doctors" are using degrees belonging to
    people who received them during the 1930's, 40's,
    and 50's and have died in the past decade.

    3. 75 percent have been in drug rehabilitation without
    completing treatment.

    4. 30% are convicted sex offenders against children
    who have changed their name and faked their degrees.

    It's safer to do Polish Mine Detecting in Bosnia
    than to visit one of HUMANA's Doctors.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Latest From USN BuMed about HUMANA, 7/15/09, by Mr TTY Guy.

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